Webinar : The Savannah Corridor in Southeast Asia, with Special Reference to the Fossil Record of Bangka, Sumatra.
KK Paleontologi dan Geologi Kuarter – ITB
Paleontology and Quaternary Geology Research Group – ITB
Proudly present:
PaleoTalk #1
The Savannah Corridor in Southeast Asia, with Special Reference to the Fossil Record of Bangka, Sumatra
By: Dr. Julien Louys
Griffith University, Australia
Preface by: Prof. Dr. Ir. Jahdi Zaim
Moderated by: Mika R. Puspaningrum, Ph.D.
This webinar is a part of research collaboration between KK PGK ITB and Griffith University
25 August 2020
15.00-16.30 WIB
*The talk will be held in Zoom platform. Link will be sent to your email address after you register
also LIVE at Youtube Channel FITB ITB
Supported By:
Kemenristek BRIN
Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian – ITB
Program Studi Teknik Geologi – ITB
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