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International Virtual Course 2020

International Virtual Course 2020

International Virtual Course 2020


As the largest archipelagic country, Indonesia’s seas are vast and contain various types of resources. In addition, by lying between the Indian and Pacific Ocean made Indonesia’s seas even richer with its complex interaction. Therefore, it is logical for the country to make its seas a priority in the development, as it is also very promising. However, it’s marine life is under threat. To overcome this issue, global leaders, including Indonesia, have signed onto the Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs) which includes Goal 14 (Life Below Water) as an effort to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development by 2030.


  • To introduce SDGs’ importance, particularly the ones related to ocean conservation and utilizations.
  • To discuss emerging issues of the ocean, covering from its environment to societal and economic impact.
  • To discuss the prospect of marine research and study contribution to SDGs as an innovation for a better ocean.


The main topic of this International Virtual Course is ‘Oceanography in the Framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)’ which will be delivered by class activities. Class activities are held to deliver new insights and knowledge of SDGs’ importance in the ocean sector to initiate the discussion of emerging issues and the prospect of marine research and study contribution as an innovation for a better ocean.


Registration start date: October 5, 2020
Registration end date: October 30, 2020

International Virtual Course: November 3 – December 4, 2020

Full information : https://www.oceanography.fitb.itb.ac.id/summer-school-2020/

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