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Summer School FITB 2019

Summer School FITB 2019

Summer School FITB 2019

The Geological Engineering and Oceanography Study Program of the Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology (FITB-ITB) collaborating with our China partner Zhejiang Univeristy present the Summer School 2019. This year’s theme is “Living Together with Geological Hazards” and taking place at our beloved ITB campus between the 28th of July to the 4th of August 2019. This Summer School aims to transfer the knowledge via on-hand experience of observing hazards by living next to the natural hazards. The program includes visiting the eruption products of Mt. Sunda Purba, Mt. Tangkuban Parahu, steep walls of the Lembang Fault as well as experiencing the traditional life near the peak of Kawah Putih. Participants are coming from Indonesia, China and Nigeria.

Our Joint Summer School Program with Zhejiang University, China.

Our Dean Prof. Benyamin Sapiie welcomes the Summer School Students

Our Head of Geological Engineering Study Program, Dr. Aswan, welcomes the summer school participants

Karina A. Sudjatmiko, Ssi., MT., from the Oceanography Study Program gives a lecture about tsunami and tsunamigenic hazards

Dr. Astyka Pamumpuni from the Geological Engineering gives lecture about earthquake and its hazards potential

Dr. Eng. Idham Andri Kurniawan from the Geological Engineering gives lecture about the volcano, volcanic deposits and its hazards potential

Afternoon activity in lecture class

Classic pose between the Echo Point and Indonesia Tenggelam

Hands-on experience observing the volcanic products of the Tangkuban Parahu and Sunda Purba Volcanoes

Pose in front of the Curug Omas, Maribaya

Pose together in Hilmi Room with our FITB Dean

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