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FITB ITB Korea-Indonesia MTCRC had the opportunity to present and introduce MTCRC and its activities

FITB ITB Korea-Indonesia MTCRC had the opportunity to present and introduce MTCRC and its activities

FITB ITB Korea-Indonesia MTCRC had the opportunity to present and introduce MTCRC and its activities


Korea-Indonesia MTCRC had the opportunity to present and introduce MTCRC and its activities, during the visit of the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to ASEAN, KWON Heeseog and the Machine Tools Industry Development Centre project in Indonesia (MTIDC Project) to Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (FMAE), ITB in Bandung. (10/10/22)

Reposted from @/koreaindonesiamtcrc

#FITB #itb1920

Hits: 27
