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Mahasiswa/Alumni FITB meraih BEST POSTER pada kegiatan The 2nd International Conference of Tropical Meteorology and Atmospheric Science (ICTMAS)

Mahasiswa/Alumni FITB meraih BEST POSTER pada kegiatan The 2nd International Conference of Tropical Meteorology and Atmospheric Science (ICTMAS)

Mahasiswa/Alumni FITB meraih BEST POSTER pada kegiatan The 2nd International Conference of Tropical Meteorology and Atmospheric Science (ICTMAS)

Mahasiswa/Alumni FITB meraih BEST POSTER pada kegiatan The 2nd International Conference of Tropical Meteorology and Atmospheric Science (ICTMAS)

– Siti Hairunnisa Norfahmi (NIM 22416301)
Best Poster – Basic Science
Judul : MJO Propagation on Maritime Continent Associated with Northerly Cold Surge

– Bayu Retna Tri Andari (NIM 22419003)
Best Poster – Modelling
Judul : Turbulence Analysis On The Flight Of Etihad Airways In Bangka Island Using The Wrf Case Study May 4, 2016

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