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“General Ocean and Climate Modeling”

“General Ocean and Climate Modeling”

Bandung, 29/09/2022

Telah dilaksanakan Kuliah Dosen Tamu dari Universitas Hamburg, Jerman – PD Dr. Thomas Pohlmann (Adjunct Professor ITB) dengan pemaparan materi mengenai “General Ocean and Climate Modeling”

Adapun rangkaian kegiatan lainnya yang akan berlangsung, antara lain:

-Deep Weekly Seminar “Climate Change in Asian Waters and Simulations of Transports in The ITF-Region”
30 September 2022

-Guest Lecture “Wave in the ocean”
Monday, 3 Oktober 2022 (ITB Ganesha)

-Guest Lecture “Wave in the ocean”
Wednesday, 5 Oktober 2022 (ITB Cirebon)

-International Workshop on Oceanography of Indonesian Seas
“The Development of Ocean Science for Indonesia Resilience”
7-9 Oktober 2022

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