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Pendidikan : Ir. (Teknik Geodesi ITB, 1992); MT (Teknik Geofisika ITB, 1997); Kandidat Doktor (Teknik Geodesi dan Geomatika ITB)
Blog : http://geodesy.itb.ac.id/dsarsito
Publikasi Ilmiah atau Karya Ilmiah
Simons, W.J.F., D. van Loon, BAC. Ambrosius, J. Kahar, HZ. Abidin, D.A. Sarsito, S. Haji Abu, P. Morgan (1999). ” Results of the Sulawesi 1998 GPS Campaign.” Paper presented at EGS (European Geophysical Society) XXIV General Assembly Meeting, The Hague, 19 – 23 April.
Simons, W.J.F., D. van Loon, BAC. Ambrosius, J. Kahar, H.Z. Abidin, D.A. Sarsito, S. Haji Abu, P. Morgan (1999). ” Geodynamics of South East Asia: Results of the Sulawesi 1998 GPS Campaign.” Paper presented at IUGG (International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics) 1999 General Assembly Meeting, Birmingham, 18 – 30 July 1999.
Sarsito, D.A, BAC. Ambrosius and W.J.F. Simons (1999). “Tectonic Motions of Sulawesi Region from 1997 and 1998 GPS Campaign”, Paper presented at Geodetic Society of Japan, Nagoya, 9 – 11 November.
Simons, W.J.F., D. van Loon, A. Waspersdorf, BAC. Ambrosius, J. Kahar, H.Z. Abidin, D.A. Sarsito, C. Vigny, S. Haji Abu, P. Morgan (2000). “Geodynamics of S.E. Asia: First Results of the Sulawesi 1998 GPS Campaign.” In Geodesy Beyond 2000, The Challenges of the First Decade, International Association of Geodesy Symposia Volume 121, Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp. 271 – 277. .
Sarsito, D.A, BAC. Ambrosius and W.J.F. Simons (2000). “Studying the Dynamic of Sulawesi using Geodetic Approach: The Preliminary Results”, Paper presented at HAGI (The Indonesian Association of Geophysicists) 25lh Annual Convention, Handung, 3 – 4 October.
Sarsito, D.A, BAC. Ambrosius and W.J.F. Simons (2000). “Tectonic Motions of Sulawesi Region from GPS Measurement”, Paper presented at IAGI (Indonesian Association of Geologist) 29th Annual Convention, Bandung, 21 – 22 November
Sarsito, D.A, W.J.F. Simons, BAC. Ambrosius, H.Z. Abidin and J. Kahar (2002). ” Tectonic Motions of Sulawesi Region: Preliminary Results of the Sulawesi 2000 GPS Campaign”. Paper presented at lnt. Workshop Tsunami Risk and Its Reduction in the Asia-Pacific Region, Bandung, March 18-19
Sarsito, D.A dan B. Setyadji (2002),”penentuan Kutub Euler Blok Regional Menggunakan Data Geodestik GPS, Studi kasus : Blok Sunda”, Prosisding Pertemuan IImiah Tahunan HAGI ke 27, Batu Malang, 21-23 Oktober
Sarslto, D.A, B. Setyadji, J. Kahar, W.J.F. Simons (2002), ” Sesar Palu-Koro (Sulawesi) : Aktifitas pemantauan menggunakan metoda geodetik GPS”, The HAGI 27th Annual Meeting, Malang, Oct 21-22.
Sarsito, D.A, J. Kahar dan W. Kunljoro (2002). ” Penelitian Geodinamika dengan Menerapkan Teknologi Global Positioning System”, JTM-FIKTM-ITB Edisi Khusus 2002. hal 66 – 74.
Sarsito, D.A dan B. Setyadji (2002). ” Peranan Geodesi Dalam Mitigasi Bencana Alam”, Jumal Surveying & Geodesi, Vol XII, No.3. September2002, hal 33-40. Sarsito, O.A. dan S. Hendriatiningsih (2001). 11 Integrasi Jaring GPS Regional dan Lokalke dalam IERS Terestrial Reference Frame-97 (ITRF97) menggunakan Pendekatan Jaring Titik-titik Fiducial”, Jumal Surveying & Geodesi, Vol XI, No.3, September 2001. hal 1-8.
Sarsito, D.A (2001). 11 Studi Deformasi Secara Geometrik : Pengukuran, Pengolahan Data dan Analisis”, Jurnal Surveying & Geodesi, Vol XI, No.1, Januari 2001. hal 27-34
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