| Buletin | Proceeding Int’l | Proceeding Nas | Jurnal Int’l | Jurnal Nas | Jurnal Lainnya | Penelitian Dana Hibah Riset | Buku | Research Award | Kegiatan PpM | Penghargaan | Jejaring Kerma |
Proceeding Seminar Nasional | ||
No. | Pengarang dan Judul Makalah | Nama Seminar, Tahun, ISBN, dan Tempat Publikasi |
1 | Tamamadin, M., Susandi, A., Mukti, B.R., Fajrin, D.A.,. Analisis Spasial Indeks Kekeringan untuk Antisipasi Kegagalan Tanam di Kabupaten Indramayu | Prosiding seminar nasional “Peranan Geografi Dalam Mendukung Ketahanan Pangan” Bogor, 7th April 2015. ISBN: 978-602-9439-60-1, p.37-44 |
2 | Susandi, A., Tamamadin, M., Mukti, B.R., Fajrin, D.A.,. Pengembangan Prediksi, Ketersediaan Air di Sawah Irigasi Kabupaten Indramayu | Prosiding Seminar “Peranan Geografi Dalam Mendukung Ketahanan Pangan” Bogor, 7th April 2015. ISBN: 978-602-9439-60-1, p.179-186 |
3 | Firdhaus, FM, Susandi, A., Tamamadin, M., Wangsaputra, Y., Pratama, A., Nursepta, A., Zaky, B.M., (2015), Pengembangan Peta Kerentanan Banjir Di Wilayah Indramayu | Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PPM) Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Negeri Surabaya, 31 Oktober 2015, ISBN: 978-602-0951-06-5, p. 159-166 |
4 | Susandi, A., Nursepta, A., Wijaya, A.R., Tamamadin, M. Zaky, Firdaus, F.N., Wangsaputra, Y., B.M., Pratama, A., (2015), Asimilasi Data Trmm Dan Observasi Curah Hujan Untuk Mendukung Pengembangan Prediksi Curah Hujan Dan Kalender Tanam Di Indramayu. | Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PPM) Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Negeri Surabaya Surabaya, 31 Oktober 2015, ISBN: 978-602-0951-06-5, p. 49-54 |
5 | Susandi, A., Nursepta, A., Wijaya, A.R., Tamamadin, M. Zaky, Firdaus, F.N., Wangsaputra, Y., B.M., Pratama, A., (2015), Rancangan interface feedback pada Sistem Informasi Kalender Tanam | Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PPM) Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Negeri Surabaya Surabaya, 31 Oktober 2015, ISBN: 978-602-0951-06-5, p. 41-48 |
6 | Bramudya Rifki Mukti, Armi Susandi, Mamad Tamamadin, Dida Abdillah Fajrin. Peta potensi longsor di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat Berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis | Prosiding Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan ke-2, Ikatan Ahli Kebencanaan Indonesia, 2015, Yogyakarta, 26 – 28 Mei 2015, ISBN: 978-602-74604-0-9 |
7 | Armi Susandi, Mamad Tamamadin, Bramudya Rifki Mukti, Dida Abdillah Fajrin. Proyeksi Kerentanan Banjir di Kabupaten Lombok Utara | Prosiding Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan ke-2, Ikatan Ahli Kebencanaan Indonesia, 2015, Yogyakarta, 26 – 28 Mei 2015, ISBN: 978-602-74604-0-9 |
8 | Armi Susandi, Saut Sagala, Mamad Tamamadin, Dodon. Climate Vulnerability in the Area of Jakarta, Depok and Bogor | Proceeding of The 5th International Conference of Jabodetabek Study Forum “Sustainable Megacities : Vulnerability, Diversity and Livability”. Bogor, 16-18 March 2015. |
9 | Armi Susandi, Mamad Tamamadin. Potency of Climate-Related Disasters in the Area of Jakarta, Bogor, and Depok Based on the Rainfall Prediction | The 5th International Conference of Jabodetabek Study Forum “Sustainable Megacities : Vulnerability, Diversity and Livability”. Bogor, 16-18 March 2015 |
10 | Susandi, A., Djamal, E., Las, I., Tamamadin, M., Surmaini, E., Development of High Resolution Planting Calendar Map to Increase of Rice Productivity in Indramayu. Proceedings of | The 2nd International Conference On Green World in Business and Technology, Published by UAS Press, March 2013 (p. E-1) |
11 | Aswan, Yahdi Zaim, Yan Rizal, I Nyoman Sukanta , Suci Dewi Anugrah , Agus Tri Hascaryo , Indra Gunawan , Tatok Yatimantoro , Weniza , Hidayanti , Purnomo Hawati , Nurochim, 2016. ” Age Analysis of Paleo-tsunami Deposit around Lombok Island and It’s Earthquake Determination” | Proceeding 41st Annual Convention & Exhibition of Indonesian Association of Geophysicist |
12 | Ery Arifullah, Andhika Chandra, Romy A.S., Yahdi Zaim, Aswan, Djuhaeni , 2016. “Trace Fossil from Samarinda Area, Kutai Basin, Indonesia: The Introduction of Ichnology” | Prosiding GEOSEA XIV CONGRESS AND 45TH IAGI ANNUAL CONVENTION (GIC 2016) 10-13 Oktober 2016 |
13 | Ery Arifullah, Yahdi Zaim, Aswan, Djuhaeni, 2016 “Ichnofabric for Stratigraphic Analysis: an Outcrop Study in Samarinda Area, Kutai Basin, Indonesia.” | Prosiding GEOSEA XIV CONGRESS AND 45TH IAGI ANNUAL CONVENTION (GIC 2016) 10-13 Oktober 2016 |
14 | Ery Arifullah, Yahdi Zaim, Aswan, Djuhaeni, Diponegoro Ariwibowo, Yogi Eriawan, Muhammad Ilham, 2016 “The Significance of Ichnofabric Analysis for Sedimentological Interpretation: an Outcrop Study at Palaran, Samarinda Area, Kutai Basin, Indonesia.” | Prosiding GEOSEA XIV CONGRESS AND 45TH IAGI ANNUAL CONVENTION (GIC 2016) 10-13 Oktober 2016 |
15 | Ery Arifullah, Andhika Chandra, Romy A.S., Yahdi Zaim, Aswan, Djuhaeni , 2016 “Perkembangan Penelitian Iknologi di Indonesia” | Proceeding Seminar Nasional Kebumian Ke-9 Perang Penelitian Ilmu Kebumian dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (6-7 Oktober 2016; Grha Sabha Pramana, UGM, Yogya |
16 | Dina Anggreni Sarsito, Susilo, W.J.F. Simons, Hasanuddin Z. Abidin, Benyamin Sapiie, Wahyu Triyoso, Irwan Meilano, Heri Andreas. Sulawesi Microblock Kinematic Motion: Correlation Between Gps Vectors and Earthquake Azimuth Slip Vector | PIT HAGI 2016, The 7 Hotel Convention Center, Bandar Lampung 26 – 29 2016 |
17 | Andreas H., Dhota Pradipta., Dina A. Sarsito., Irwan Gumilar., Mohamad Gamal. Percepatan Pemetaan Persil Menggunakan Teknologi Mobile Base (MOBS) RTK Beidou dan RTPPP. | Seminar FIT ISI-CGISE, Jogjakarta, 26 Oktober 2016 |
18 | Totok dan Heri Andreas, Kajian Jaring Kontrol Horizontal Alternatif sebagai Kerangka Referensi dalam Mendukung One Map Policy di Indonesia | Seminar FIT ISI-CGISE, Jogjakarta, 26 Oktober 2016 |
19 | Andreas H., H, H.Z.Abidin, M.A Kusuma, Irwan G.,T.Purnama Sidiq, D.A Sarsito, M.Gamal. Caldera Formation Processes On LUSI Mud Volcano | Seminar tahunan HAGI (2009); Jogjakarta, November 2009 |
20 | Andreas H., I.Gumilar, H.Z. Abidin, D.A.Sarsito, M. Gamal. “Analisis Status Geometrik Hasil pengolahan Data GPS Metoda Jaring dan Metoda Radial” | Seminar FIT ISI 2009, Semarang November 2009 |
21 | Andreas H., T.Purmana Sidiq, Irwan G, H.Z. Abidin, M.A.Kusuma, I.Meilano, I.Buchori, M. Gamal. “Crack Signature from subsidence effect around Mud Volcano Porong Sidoarjo”. | Seminar tahunan HAGI (2008); Bandung 3-5 November 2008 |
22 | Hendrasto, F., Hutasoit, L.M., Kusuma, M.S.B. dan Sapiie, B., Penerapan Model NRECA untuk Memprediksi Laju Infiltrasi pada Daerah Resapan Lapangan Panasbumi Wayang Windu, Pangalengan, Jawa Barat | PIT ke-1 Perhimpunan Ahli Airtanah Indonesia (PAAI), 2017,ISBN: 978-602-7861-77-0, Bandung |
23 | Hermawan, E., Larashati, A., Sarasa, B., and Hutasoit, L.M., Analysis of Groundwater Type and Presence of Saline Water in DKI Jakarta Area | PIT ke-1 Perhimpunan Ahli Airtanah Indonesia (PAAI), 2017, ISBN: 978-602-7861-77-0, Bandung |
24 | Hutasoit, L.M., Geological Condition and Landsubsidence Phenomena in Jakarta | Workshop Challenges of Jakarta Delta Management, 2017, Bandung. |
25 | Parhusip, H. and Hutasoit, L.M., Renewable Energy NANIURA of Lake Toba (Lake Thermal Energy Conversion/LTEC) | Seminar Nasional Inovasi dan Teknologi Informasi (SNITI), 2014, Parbaba – Samosir, Sumatera Utara. |
26 | Tamamadin, M., Susandi, A., Mukti, B.R., Fajrin, D.A.,. Analisis Spasial Indeks Kekeringan untuk Antisipasi Kegagalan Tanam di Kabupaten Indramayu | Prosiding seminar nasional “Peranan Geografi Dalam Mendukung Ketahanan Pangan” Bogor, 7th April 2015. ISBN: 978-602-9439-60-1, p.37-44 |
27 | Susandi, A., Tamamadin, M., Mukti, B.R., Fajrin, D.A.,. Pengembangan Prediksi, Ketersediaan Air di Sawah Irigasi Kabupaten Indramayu | Prosiding Seminar “Peranan Geografi Dalam Mendukung Ketahanan Pangan” Bogor, 7th April 2015. ISBN: 978-602-9439-60-1, p.179-186 |
28 | Firdhaus, FM, Susandi, A., Tamamadin, M., Wangsaputra, Y., Pratama, A., Nursepta, A., Zaky, B.M., (2015), Pengembangan Peta Kerentanan Banjir Di Wilayah Indramayu | Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PPM) Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Negeri Surabaya, 31 Oktober 2015, ISBN: 978-602-0951-06-5, p. 159-166 |
29 | Susandi, A., Nursepta, A., Wijaya, A.R., Tamamadin, M. Zaky, Firdaus, F.N., Wangsaputra, Y., B.M., Pratama, A., (2015), Asimilasi Data Trmm Dan Observasi Curah Hujan Untuk Mendukung Pengembangan Prediksi Curah Hujan Dan Kalender Tanam Di Indramayu. | Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PPM) Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Negeri Surabaya Surabaya, 31 Oktober 2015, ISBN: 978-602-0951-06-5, p. 49-54 |
30 | Susandi, A., Nursepta, A., Wijaya, A.R., Tamamadin, M. Zaky, Firdaus, F.N., Wangsaputra, Y., B.M., Pratama, A., (2015), Rancangan interface feedback pada Sistem Informasi Kalender Tanam | Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PPM) Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Negeri Surabaya Surabaya, 31 Oktober 2015, ISBN: 978-602-0951-06-5, p. 41-48 |
31 | Bramudya Rifki Mukti, Armi Susandi, Mamad Tamamadin, Dida Abdillah Fajrin. Peta potensi longsor di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat Berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis | Prosiding Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan ke-2, Ikatan Ahli Kebencanaan Indonesia, 2015, Yogyakarta, 26 – 28 Mei 2015, ISBN: 978-602-74604-0-9 |
32 | Armi Susandi, Mamad Tamamadin, Bramudya Rifki Mukti, Dida Abdillah Fajrin. Proyeksi Kerentanan Banjir di Kabupaten Lombok Utara | Prosiding Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan ke-2, Ikatan Ahli Kebencanaan Indonesia, 2015, Yogyakarta, 26 – 28 Mei 2015, ISBN: 978-602-74604-0-9 |
33 | Armi Susandi, Saut Sagala, Mamad Tamamadin, Dodon. Climate Vulnerability in the Area of Jakarta, Depok and Bogor | Proceeding of The 5th International Conference of Jabodetabek Study Forum “Sustainable Megacities : Vulnerability, Diversity and Livability”. Bogor, 16-18 March 2015. |
34 | Armi Susandi, Mamad Tamamadin. Potency of Climate-Related Disasters in the Area of Jakarta, Bogor, and Depok Based on the Rainfall Prediction | The 5th International Conference of Jabodetabek Study Forum “Sustainable Megacities : Vulnerability, Diversity and Livability”. Bogor, 16-18 March 2015 |
35 | Susandi, A., Djamal, E., Las, I., Tamamadin, M., Surmaini, E., Development of High Resolution Planting Calendar Map to Increase of Rice Productivity in Indramayu. Proceedings of | The 2nd International Conference On Green World in Business and Technology, Published by UAS Press, March 2013 (p. E-1) |
36 | Mutiara R. Putri, “Analisis Temperatur, Kesuburan Perairan dan Keasaman Laut terhadap Produksi Perikanan Cakalang dan Tongkol di Indonesia” | Prosiding KONAS VIII Mataram, 22-24 Oktober 2012, hal. 21-27 |
37 | K. Channel dan N.R. Herdianita. Geochemical Survey on Soil: Application and its Relation with Structural Geology of Dieng Plateau, Central Java. | Proceeding of the Seminar on Nasional Energy, Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, 2010 |
38 | Kunarso dan N.S. Ningsih. Memahami Distribusi Temporal Upwelling pada Variabilitas ENSO di Indonesia untuk Memperkirakan Waktu Musim Ikan Tuna Big Eye. | Prosiding Seminar Nasional Tahunan ke-4, Hasil-hasil Penelitian Perikanan dan Kelautan, 2014, ISSN: 2339-0883, Semarang, 1 November, 2014. |
39 | Hanifah, F., and Ningsih, N.S. Variasi Musiman dan Tren Jangka Panjang (1950-2013) Eksistensi Eddies di Laut Banda. | Pertemuan Ilmiah Nasional Tahunan (PIT) XIII ISOI 2016, Surabaya, 1-2 Desember 2016. Under Review. |
40 | Tiin Sinatra, Noersomadi, Ginaldi Ari Nugroho and Nurjanna Joko Trilaksono; Characterizing the Diurnal Cycle of Convective Activity over the South of West Java Using Doppler X-Band Radar Observations | The 4th International Symposium for Sustainable Humanosphere (ISSH), 2014, ISSN: 2088-9127, Bandung |
41 | Noviana Dewani, R. Annisa Dhini Septi Kinasih, and Nurjanna Joko Trilaksono; Kinetic Energy Spectra Characteristic from Mesoscale Model Data JMA-NHM in Western Indonesia (Case Study Jakarta Flood Event from Late January Until Early February 2007) | The 4th International Symposium for Sustainable Humanosphere (ISSH), 2014, ISSN: 2088-9127, Bandung |
42 | Rahmawati Syahdiza, Nurjanna Joko Trilaksono, and Erwin Mulyana; Liquid Water Content (LWC) Simulation using WRF-ARW in Soroako Area | International Symposium on the 15th Anniversary of the Equatorial Atmosphere Radar (EAR), 2016, ISSN: Belum tersedia, Jakarta |
43 | M Wahyudin, Imam S, Sumuyut S, Anditya M. T. I, and Prihadi Sumintadireja. Integrated Reservoir Modeling for Evaluating Development Opportunities in Mature Oil & Gas Reservoirs (Miocene Kai) |
PROCEEDINGS JOINT CONVENTION SURABAYA 2005 – HAGI-IAGI-PERHAPI The 30th HAGI, The 34th IAGI and The 14th PERHAPI Annual Conference and Exhibition |
44 | A Laesanpura, Sumintadireja P, Herutama Trikoronto, and Albert Suwandi Using Numerical Prediction, in Explaining The Geomechanic of Fault in The Ex Filed, Indonesia |
Proceeding, Jakarta 2006 International Geosciences Conference and Exhibition Jakarta, August 14 – 16, 2006 |
45 | Prihadi Sumintadireja, W. G. A Kadir, and Bambang P Istadi Lusi Disaster, Sidoarjo Mud Extrusion East Java |
Institut Teknologi Bandung-Karlsruhe University Workshop on ”Natural Risk Management and Geothermal Prospect” Bandung, march 5th – 7th, 2007 |
46 | P. Sumintadireja, M. L Tobing, B Wibowo, I. G. B Eddy Sucipta, M Nurhasanudin, and H Wibowo Volcanic Hazard Analysis for Proposed Nuclear Power Plant Sitting in Central Java, Indonesia: A Possibility for Magmatic Eruption in The Future |
Proceeding Joint Convention Bali 2007, The 32nd HAGI, The 36th IAGI, and The 29th IATMI Annual Convention and Exhibition |
47 | Sumintadireja P, Diky Irawan S, and Ahmad Ihsan Delineasi Alur Sungai Bawah Tanah Kec. Cijulang, Kab. Ciamis, Jawa Barat dengan Menggunakan Metode Geolistrik Misse A La Masse |
The 33rd HAGI Annual Convention & Exhibition, Bandung 3 – 5 November 2008 |
48 | Diky Irawan S, Alditama Prihadi, Hilman Mardian, and Prihadi Sumintadireja Model Sederhana Luapan LUSI untuk Prediksi 40 Tahun Mendatang |
Proceeding PIT IAGI Lombok 2010 The 39th IAGI Annual Convention and Exhibition, ISBN: 9789798126222 |
49 | Dasapta Erwin Irawan, Deny Juanda Puradimaja, Sudarto Notosiswoyo, and Prihadi Sumintadireja Characterization of Tropical Volcanic Hydrogeology Based on Temperature and Electrical Conductivity Analysis MT. Ciremai, West Java, Indonesia |
Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU 2011, EGU General Assembly 2011 |
50 | Sumaryadi M, Sumintadireja P, Irawan D, and Arisbaya I Dinamika Vulkanisme Gunung Api Tangkuban Perahu, Jawa Barat |
Proceeding Joint Convention Makasar 2011, The 36th HAGI and 40th IAGI Annual Convention Exhibition |
51 | Hendra Grandis and Prihadi Sumintadireja A Brief Review for The Proper Application of Magnetotelluric (MT) and Controlled-Source Audio-Frequency Magnetotelluric (CSAMT) in Geothermal Exploration |
Proceeding The 12th Annual Indonesian Geothermal Association Meeting & Conference, Bandung 6 – 8 November 2012 |
52 | Saepuloh A, Urai M, Sumintadireja P, and Suryantini Spatial Priority Assessment of Geothermal Potentials Using Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing Data and Applications |
Proceeding of The 1st ITB Geothermal Workshop, Bandung March 6 – 8 2012 |
53 | Hendra Grandis, Diky irawan, and Prihadi Sumintadireja Shallow to Moderate Depth Resistivity Structure of A Geothermal Field from Inversion of Geo-Electrical Sounding Data |
Proceeding 2nd ITB Geothermal Workshop, Bandung 4 – 8 March 2013 |
54 | Sumintadireja P and Saepuloh A Significant Role of Remote Sensing Technology in Geology Explorations |
Proceeding 34th of Asia Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS) Denpasar, October 2013 |
55 | Sumintadireja P, Subroto E. A, Saepuloh A, Urai M, and Takada A The Importance of Continuous Research for Mitigating and Monitoring Volcanic Activity at MT. Tangkuban Perahu |
Proceeding of The 1st International Seminar of Environmental Geosciences in Asia (1st ISEGA) ITB, Bandung October 2013 |
56 | Asep Saepuloh, Minoru Urai, Suryantini, and Prihadi Sumintadireja Estimating Gethermal Potentials Using Fuzzy-Geostatistics of Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing Data |
Proceeding 3rd ITB Geothermal Workshop 2014 Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung. Indonesia, March 4 – 8, 2014 |
57 | Hendra Grandis, Diky Irawan, and Prihadi Sumintadireja Quasi-2D Resistivity Model from Inversion of Vertical Electrical Sounding Data (VES) Data for Preliminary Geothermal Prospecting |
Proceeding Indonesia International Geothermal Convention & Exhibition Jakarta Convention Center 4 – 6 June, 2014 |
58 | Nurwati D. D, Saepuloh A, and Sumintadireja P Identifying Recharge and Discharge Zones at Geothermal System Using Full Polarimetric Syntheric Aperture Radar (POLSAR) Data |
Proceeding of The 4th ITB Geothermal Workshop, Bandung March 16 – 20, 2015 |
59 | Ken Prabowo B. D. S, Hadi Prasojo, and Prihadi Sumintadireja Enhanced Geothermal System Potential in Tarakan Basin, Indonesia : Resource, Economic, and Technological Feasbility |
Proceedings Indonesia International Geothermal Convention & Exhibition Jakarta Convention Center, Indonesia – August 19th – 21st 2015 |
60 | Prihadi Sumintadireja, Dasapta E Irawan, Yuano Rezky, Prana Ugiana Gio, and Anggita Agustin Classifying Hot Water Chemistry: Application of Multivariantes statistics |
Conference: The 5th ITB International Geothermal Workshop 2016, Institut Teknologi Bandung, March 28 April 1 2016 |
61 | Prihadi Sumintadireja and Diky Irawan Sub Surface Imaging for Potential Geohazard in Infrastructure Construction |
2nd International Conference of Research on Environmental Problems in Southeast Asia (TREPSEA 2016), Papandayan Hotel Bandung, 20 – 22 September 2016 |
62 | Grandis H, and Sumintadireja P Application of MT and CSAMT for Geothermal Exploration in Indonesia |
6th ITB International Geothermal Workshop 2017 ” The Rise og Geothermal Development In Indonesia” Resource Transformation Strategy Towards 7000 Mwe Capacity, March 22nd – 23rd 2017 CRCS Building |
63 | Rahayu, R., Irawan, D.E., Lubis, A., Rizal, I., Puradimaja, D.J., dan Rachmi, C.N, 2012, Karakterisasi Hidrogeologi dan Neraca Air Zona Mata Air Utara Gunung Ciremai, Kab. Kuningan, Jawa Barat | International Conference of Indonesian Association of Geologist 2012, Yogyakarta. |
64 | Sugianti, K., Sukristiyanti, Rahayu, R. 2011. Pengaruh Perubahan Iklim pada Kerentanan Longsoran di Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat | Hasil Penelitian Geotek LIPI, 2011. |
65 | I Dewa Gede A Junnaedhi, Edi Riawan, Rusmawan Suwarman1, Tri Wahyu Hadi, Atika Lubis, Nurjanna Joko Trilaksono, Rahmawati Rahayu, PrawiraYudha Kombara, Riki Waskito, Hendra Ekalaya Oktora, Rahmat Supriatna, Aan Anugrah, Abdul Haq Mudzakkir, and Wawar Setiawan Majalaya Flood Early Warning System: A Community Based Approach |
TREPSEA, 2016, Bandung |
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