| Buletin | Proceeding Int’l | Proceeding Nas | Jurnal Int’l | Jurnal Nas | Jurnal Lainnya | Penelitian Dana Hibah Riset | Buku | Research Award | Kegiatan PpM | Penghargaan | Jejaring Kerma |
Proceeding Seminar Internasional | |||
No. | Pengarang dan Judul Makalah | Nama Seminar, Tahun, ISBN, dan Tempat Publikasi | |
1 | Reksalegora, S, W., Hutasoit, L, M., Harsolumakso, A, H., Ramdhan, A, M., Stress Determination in Overpressure Zone of East Java Basin. | Proceeding, Indonesian Petroleum Association, Fourty First Annual Convention & Exhibition, May 2017 | |
2 | Harsolumakso, A., H., Sapiie, B, Tuakia, Z., Zhar, A., M., Hasiholan, A., B., Kartanegara, S., M., Yudha, R., I., Ghaniputra, S., Luk Ulo Melange Complex, Central Java, Indonesia; Characteristics, Origin and Tectonics significance. | 13th Annual Meeting, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, 31 Juli – 6 Agustus 2016. | |
3 | Reksalegora, S, W., Ramdhan, A, M., Harsolumakso, A, H., Overpressure in Active Compressional Tectonic Setting: A Case in Onshore and Offshore South Madura. | Proceedings Joint Convention Balikpapan 2015, HAGI-IAGI-IAFMI-IATMI 5-8 Oktober 2015 | |
4 | Harsolumakso, A., H., Sapiie, B, Tuakia, Z., Zhar, A., M., Hasiholan, A., B., Kartanegara, S., M., Yudha, R., I., Ghaniputra, S., Luk Ulo Melange Complex, Central Java, Indonesia; Characteristics, Origin and Tectonics significance. | 13th Annual Meeting, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, 31 Juli – 6 Agustus 2016. | |
5 | Villeneuve, M., Bellon, H., Martini, R., Harsolumakso, A., Cornee, J, J., West Timor: a key for the eastern Indonesian geodynamic evolution. | Bull. Soc. géol. France, 2013, t. 184, no 6, pp. 569-354, 2013 |
6 | Hadiana, Meli., Sapiie, B., Harsolumakso, A.H ., Three Dimensional Restoration of Pull-Apart Basin: Application of Analog Sandbox Modeling | Proceedings The 39th HAGI and 42nd IAGI Annual Convention & Exhibition, Santika-Dyandra Premier Hotel, Medan, 28-31 October 2013. |
7 | Pholbud, P., Hall, R., Advokaat, E., Burgess, P. & Rudyawan, A. (A new interpretation of Gorontalo Bay, Sulawesi. Proceedings Indonesian Petroleum Association) | 6th Annual Convention. proceeding. IPA12-G-039 1-23. Tahun 2012 | |
8 | Rudyawan, A. & Hall, R. (Structural reassessment of the South Banggai-Sula area: no Sorong Fault Zone) | Proceedings Indonesian Petroleum Association, 36th Annual Convention. p. IPA12-G-030 1-17. Tahun 2012 | |
9 | Rudyawan, A., Hall, R. & White, L.(Neogene Extension of the Central North Arm of Sulawesi, Indonesia) | American Geophysics Union, T43A-4681. Tahun 2014 | |
10 | Hennig, J., Hall, R., Advokaat, E. & Rudyawan, A. (Large sediment accumulations and major subsidence offshore; rapid uplift on land: Consequences of extension of Gorontalo Bay and northern Sulawesi) | Proceedings Indonesian Petroleum Association, 38th Annual Convention. p. IPA14-G-304 1-16. Tahun 2014 | |
11 | Tarya, A., A. J. F. Hoitink and M. Van der Vegt. Ocean-Shelf exchange through a Berau barrier reef, Indonesia | Proceedings of the 15th biennial international conference on Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas (PECS), 2010, Colombo, Sri Lanka | |
12 | Hoekstra, P., A. J. F. Hoitink, F. Buschman, A. Tarya and G. v Bergh. From river basin to barrier reef: Pathway of coastal sediments | Proceedings of the sixth symposium on coastal engineering and science of coastal sediment processes, 2007, New Orleans, USA, doi: 10.1061/40926(239)128. | |
13 | Sapiie, B., New Approach in Exploring Basement-Fractured Reservoir at Sumatra Back-Arc Basins. | the 41st IPA Convention & Exhibition, 17 – 19 May, 2017, JCC Jakarta | |
14 | Sapiie, B., Problems in Conducting Fault Seal Analysis in Carbonate Reservoir. | the 41st IPA Convention & Exhibition, 17 – 19 May, 2017, JCC Jakarta | |
15 | Sapiie, B., Tiranda, H., Harsolumakso, A,H., New Insight of Fold-Thrust Belt Evolution as Implication of Hydrocarbon Prospect in the West Timor Island, Indonesia. | Annual Convention and Exhibition American Association Petroleum and Geoscience (AAPG) 2 – 5 April, 2017, George R. Brown Convention Center, Houston, TX, USA. | |
16 | Sapiie, B., Gunawan, I., New Approach in Conducting Fault Seal Analysis: Case Study of Northwest Java Basin, Indonesia. | Annual Convention and Exhibition American Association Petroleum and Geoscience (AAPG) 2 – 5 April, 2017, George R. Brown Convention Center, Houston, TX, USA. | |
17 | Sapiie, B., Gunawan, I., Riswanty, M., Sugiarto, A., Fauziah, R., Geomechanics and Geological Characteristic of Unconventional Plays in the South Sumatra Basin, Indonesia. | Annual Convention and Exhibition American Association Petroleum and Geoscience (AAPG) 2 – 5 April, 2017, George R. Brown Convention Center, Houston, TX, USA. | |
18 | Sapiie, B., A. Kurniawan, H. Danio, D. Daniel, M. Hadiana, M. OHARA, M. FUJIMOTO, L. A. Perdana, A. SaputraStructural Styles and Hydrocarbon Exploration Challenges in the Babar-Selaru Fold-Thrust-Belt, Banda Sea Region, Indonesia. | Annual Convention & Exhibition American Association Petroleum and Geoscience (AAPG) 2016 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 19 – 22 Juni 2016. | |
19 | Nugroho, R.P., Basuki, N. I., and Sapiie, B., 2016. Fractal Distribution of Veins and Fractures Spacing in Mineral Exploration: Case Study in Kayu Aro Are, Jambi, Indonesia. | Proceedings of the International Scientific Forum-Contest of Students and Young Researchers, The National Mineral Resources University, Saint-Petersburg Mining University, Rusia, 20-22 April 2016, p. 33-35. | |
20 | Sapiie, B., M. Hadiana, A. Kurniawan, D. Daniel, H. Danio, M. Fujimoto, M. Ohara, L. A. Perdana, A. Saputra. Kinematic Analysis of Fold-Thrust-Belt Using Integrated Analogue Sandbox Modeling and 3D Palinspatic Reconstructions in Babar-Selaru Area, Banda Sea Region, Indonesia. | European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016, 17-22 April 2016, Vienna, Austria. | |
21 | Sapiie, B., Tureno, E. Y., Apriansyah, D., Iskandar, O., “Geomechanics and Fractures Characteristic of Pre-Tertiary Basement Fractured Reservoir in Sumatra Basins”. | AAPG International Conference & Exhibition in Melbourne, 13-16 September 2015. | |
22 | Sapiie, B., Danio, H., Asikin, A., Priyono. A., “Geology and Geomechanics Evaluation of CCS Pilot Project in The Gundih Field, East Java Basin, Indonesia”. | AAPG International Conference & Exhibition in Melbourne, 13-16 September 2015. | |
23 | Nugroho, D., Dewawisesa, S., Noeradi, D., Sapiie, B., Suparka, E., “Compositional Variations and Analysis on Carbonate Turbidite and Debrite of Oligo-Miocene Rajamandala Limestone (Rajamandala Formation), Padalarang Area, West Java” | AAPG International Conference & Exhibition in Melbourne, 13-16 September 2015. | |
24 | Sapiie, B., Pamumpuni, A., Understanding Fault and Earthquakes: Current Perspective and Knowledge. The 5th International Symposium on Earth-hazard and Disaster Mitigation | Institute of Technology Bandung, 19-20 October 2015 | |
25 | Sapiie, B., Kurniawan, A., Pamumpuni, A., Danil, D., Gunawan, I., New Insight of Structural Evolution of The Timor Island and Australian Continental Margin. | GSA Annual Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, USA 1-4 November 2015. | |
26 | Sapiie, B., Danio, H., Priyono, A., Asikin, A, R., Widarto, D, S., Widianto, E., Tsuji, T., Geological Characteristic and Fault Stability of The Gundih CCS Pilot Project at Central Java, Indonesia. | Proceedings of the 12th SEGJ International Symposium, 2015. | |
27 | Sapiie, B., Dharmayanti, D., Satyana, A., Rustam, A., Deighton, I., Yulian, F., and Chandra, J., “Geology and Tectonic Evolution of Fore-Arc Basins in The Western Indonesia”. | The Geological Society of America (GSA) Annual Meeting 19 – 22 October 2014, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. | |
28 | Cloos, M., and Sapiie, B., “Porphyry Copper Orebody Formation: Strike-Slip Faulting and Throttling Cupolas”, | The Geological Society of America (GSA) Annual Meeting 19-22 October 2014, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. | |
29 | Sapiie, B., and Purwaman, I., “An Outcrops Analogue to Basement Fractured Reservoirs of The Suban Gas Field, South Sumatra Basin, Indonesia”. | The Geological Society of America (GSA) Annual Meeting 19-22 October 2014, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. | |
30 | Sapiie, B., Satyana, A., Dharmayanti, D., Rustam, A., Deighton, I., Adyagharini, A., 2014, Tectonic Evolution and Hydrocarbon Potential in the Fore-arc Basins of Western Indonesia. | AAPG International Conference & Exhibition in Istanbul, Turkey, 14-17 September 2014. | |
31 | Sapiie, B., Rifiyanto, A., Perdana, L., 2014, Cleats Analysis and CBM potential of The Barito Basin, South Kalimantan, Indonesia. | AAPG International Conference & Exhibition in Istanbul, Turkey, 14-17 September 2014. | |
32 | Sapiie, B., Rifiyanto, A., & Suryanugraha, A. M., 2014, Tectonic Controlled of Cleats Development as Implication of Coal Bed Methane (CBM) Prospect in the Barito Basin, South Borneo. | 76th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 16 – 19 June 2014. | |
33 | Sapiie, B., Yulian, F., Chandra, J., Satyana, A, H., Dharmayanti, D., Rustam, A, H., Deighton, I., Geology and Tectonic Evolution of Fore-Arc Basins: Implications of Future Hydrocarbon Potential in the Western Indonesia. | Proceedings, Indonesian Petroleum Association, of 39th Annual Convention & Exhibition, 20 – 22 Mei 2015, JCC, Jakarta. | |
34 | Sapiie, B., Hadiana, Meli., Pamumpuni, Astyka., Kurniawan, Ade., Daniel, Dicky, Evolution of Fold-Thrust-Belt Deformation in the Eastern Indonesia Region. | Proceedings, Indonesian Petroleum Association, of 37th Annual Convention & Exhibition, 15 – 17 Mei 2013, JCC, Jakarta (Oral). | |
35 | Febrian, A., Sapiie, B., Tectonic Inversion Impact to Coal Cleat Characteristics of Tanjung Formation, Karangintan Area, Barito Basin, South Kalimantan. | Proceedings, Indonesian Petroleum Association, of 37th Annual Convention & Exhibition, 15 – 17 Mei 2013, JCC, Jakarta (Oral). | |
36 | Andreas H., Usriyah, Abidin. H.Z., Sarsito. D.A. Tidal inundation (“rob”) investigation using time series of high resolution satellite image data and from institu measurements along northern coast of Java (Pantura). | 2nd International Conference on Transdiciplinary Research of Environmental Problem in South East Asia (TREPSEA) 2016 – Bandung Indonesia 20-22 September 2016 | |
37 | Andreas H., Abidin. H. Z., Gumilar, I. Sidiq, T. P. Yuwono, B. D. Adaptation and Mitigation of Land Subsidence in Semarang. | International Symposium on Earthquake and Disater Motigation. Bandung, 11-12 Oktober 2016. | |
38 | Andreas H., Abidin. H. Z., Gumilar. I, Sidiq, T. P. Recent Land Subsidence in Semarang (Indonesia) as Estimated using GPS Surveys. | International Symposium on Global Navigation Satellitte System, Taiwan, 4 December-7 December 2016. | |
39 | Andreas H., Dhota Pradipta., Abidin. H.Z., Sarsito. D.A. Early Pictures of Global Climate Change Impact to the Coastal Area (North West of Demak Central Java Indonesia). | Paper presented at International Symposium on Earthquake and Disater Mitigation. Bandung, 11-12 Oktober 2016. | |
40 | Andreas H., Dina Sarsito Hasanuddin Z Abidin, Irwan Meilano. “Learning a Disaster From Earthquake Cycle Deformation (Case Study Jogjakarta Earthquake with the LUSI Eruption 2006)”. | FIG Working Week 2016 (Recovery From Disaster), Christchurch, New Zealand, 2-6 May 2016. | |
41 | Andreas H., H.Z. Abidin, I.Meilano, D.A Sarsito, I.Gumilar. “Do we still confidence to say Jogjakarta Earthquake Trigger LUSI Mud Volcano”. | International Seminar on Disaster Management (ISDM) , Jogjakarta Central Java Indonesia, 16-18 December 2013. | |
42 | Andreas H., H.Z. Abidin, M.A Kusuma, I.Gumilar. “After four years of Ground Displacements following LUSI Mud Volacno Eruption”. | FIG Congress 2011 (Bridging the Gap between Cultures) , Marrakech Morocco, 18-22 May 2011. | |
43 | Andreas H., H.Z. Abidin, M.A Kusuma, P. Sumintadireja, I.Gumilar. “Ground Displacement around LUSI Mud Volcano Indonesia as Infferered from GPS Survyes”. | FIG Congress 2010 (Facing the Challenge-Building Capacity , Sydney Australia, 11-16 April 2010. | |
44 | Andreas H., H, H.Z.Abidin, M.A Kusuma, Irwan G.,T.Purnama Sidiq, M.Gamal. Caldera Formation Processes On LUSI Mud Volcano and Its Impact to People and Their Environment. | The first International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure and Built Environment in Developing Countries, Sabuga Institute of Technology Bandung, Bandung Indonesia, November 2-3, 2009 | |
45 | Andreas H., H.Z. Abidin, Irwan G, D.A Sarsito, M.Gamal. “Epoch Reference Definition of Boundaries Demarcation Coordinate’s Set”. | South East Asias Surveyor Congress –SEASC 2009; Bali 3-7 Agustus 2009 | |
46 | Andreas H., H.Z. Abidin, Terruyuki Kato, Takeo Ito, Haryono H, M.A.Kusuma, Irwan G, T.Purmana Sidiq, S.L.Nurmaulia, M. Gamal. “Lesson from July 17, 2006 South of Java Earthquake”. | International Conference on Tsunami Warning -ICTW (2008); Bali 12-14 November 2008 | |
47 | Rohiman, R., Sucipta, I G. B. E., Abdurrachman, M., dan Sugiono, S. R. A., Petrogenesis of Malabar Volcano, West java, Indonesia | Geosea XIV and 45th IAGI Annual Convention, Tahun 2016, ISBN 978-979-8126-29-1, Bandung, Halaman 295 – 300. | |
48 | Sagara, M. G. dan Sucipta, I G. B. E., Anatexis of migmatitic amphibole othogneiss in Jundeng Migmatitite, Lampung | Geosea XIV and 45th IAGI Annual Convention, Tahun 2016, ISBN 978-979-8126-29-1, Bandung, Halaman 326 – 335. | |
49 | Draniswari, W. A., Sucipta, I G. B. E., dan Sugiono, S. R. A., Petrology characteristic of Wayang-Windu andesite lava | Geosea XIV and 45th IAGI Annual Convention, Tahun 2016, ISBN 978-979-8126-29-1, Bandung, Halaman 343 – 347. | |
50 | Abdurrachman, M., Yamamoto, M., Suparka, E., Sucipta, I G. B. E., Kurniawan, I. A., Hasibuan, R. F., Across arc variation of strontium isotope and K2O composition in the Quaternary volcanic rocks from West Java: Evidence for crustal assimilation and the involvement of subducted components | HAGI-IAGI-IAFMI-IATMI Joint Convention, Tahun 2015, ISBN, Balikpapan, Halaman | |
51 | Sadisun, I. A., Kartiko, R. D., Kesumaningtyas, A., Utami, T. E., and Sucipta, E., Shear Strength Reduction of Tertiary Jatiluhur-Subang Claystones Due to Swelling Processes | 10th Asian Regional Conference of IAEG, Tahun 2015, ISBN, Kyoto, Japan, Halaman | |
52 | Hutasoit, L.M., Groundwater Condition in Bandung Area and Its Surrounding | International Conference on Transdiciplinary Research of Environmental Problems in Southeast Asia (TREPSEA), 2016, September 20-22, Bandung. | |
53 | Hutasoit, L.M., Cause Of Land Subsidence In Jakarta | International Roundtable Discussion On Subsidence, 2015, Ministry of Public Works. | |
54 | Gumilar, I., Abidin, H.Z., Hutasoit, L.M., Hakim, D.M., Sidiq, T.P., and Heri Andreas, Land Subsidence in Bandung Basin and Its Possible Causes | 3rd International Symposium on Earthquake and Disaster Mitigation (ISEDM 2013). Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 12 (2015) 47-62. | |
55 | Hutasoit, L.M. and Ramdhan, A.M., Similiarities of Overpressuring In Some Western Indonesia’s Sedimentary Basin | Proc. Of 38th Annual Convention & Exhibition Indonesian Petroleum Association, 2014, IPA14-G-356. | |
56 | Syaiful, M., Hutasoit, L.M., Ramdhan, A.M., Widayat, A.H., and Tribuana, I. Y., Shifting of Compaction Trend in the North Sumatra Basin and Its Implication to Overpresure Estimation In The North Sumatra Basin | Proc. Of 38th Annual Convention & Exhibition Indonesian Petroleum Association, 2014, IPA14-G-358. | |
57 | Prayitno, I.P., Susandi, A., Tamamadin, M., Firdaus, F.M., Zaky, B.M., Wijaya, A.R., Mulya, A., Pandini, O., Pratama, A., 2016 Development of Smart Planting Calendar in Indramayu District | A.Nergy Conference, Korea Selatan, September 2016 | |
58 | Kemili, P. and M.R. Putri “Estimation of primary productivity in Banda Sea using the vertical distribution model” | ICMNS, 2012, AIP Conferece Proceedings, Vol. 1589, pp. 389-393. (terindex Scopus) | |
59 | Iswiati Utamiputeri, Mutiara Rachmat Putri, Zainal Arifin: “Hydrodynamic Condition of Kapuas Kecil River, Pontianak Based on Simulation Model” | International Seminar and Workshop on Hydrography, Batam Island, 27-29 August 2013 | |
60 | Corry Corvianawatie, Mutiara Rachmat Putri, Sri Yudawati Cahyarini, Willem Merpy Tatipatta:”Variability of Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Surface Salinity in the Ambon Bay and its Relation to ENSO/IOD and Monsoon | International Seminar and Workshop on Hydrography, Batam Island, 27-29 August 2013, Indonesian Journal of Geospatial, Vol. 3, no. 2 (2014) | |
61 | Mutiara R. Putri, Agus Setiawan, and Mediana Safitri: “Variation of Ocean pH in the Indonesia waters” | ICMNS 2014, AIP Conference Proceedings 1677, 060021-1 s.d. 060021-4 (2015) | |
62 | Suliskania Nurfitri, and Mutiara Rachmat Putri:”Data Assimilation Technique of 2-dimensional vertical Temperature Transport Model (Case Study: Tropical Pacific Ocean); | ICMNS 2014, AIP Conference Proceedings 1677, 060024; doi: 10.1063/1.4930704 | |
63 | Corry Corvianawatie, Sri Y. Cahyarini , and Mutiara R. Putri; “The Effect of changes in sea surface temperature on linear growth of Porites coral in Ambon Bay | ICMNS 2014, AIP Conference Proceedings 1677, 060008; doi: 10.1063/1.4930688 | |
64 | Mutiara Rachmat Putri, Agus Setiawan, Thomas Pohlman, Bernhard Mayer, and Martin Gade; “The Assesment of Oil Pollution in Seribu Island Based on Remote Sensing and Numerical Models” | Proc.’Living Planet Symposium 2016′, Prague, Czech Republic, 9-13 May 2016 (ESA SP-740, August 2016) | |
65 | Martin Gade, Bernhard Mayer, Thomas Pohlmann, Mutiara Putri, Agus Setiawan; “An Assessment of the Indonesian Coastal Environment Based on SAR Imagery”; category number CFP161GA-ART;code 124694 | International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS); Vol. 2016-November, 1 November 2016, Article number 7729575, Pages 2227-2230; 36th IEEE, IGARSS 2016; Beijing China; 10 – 15 July 2016 | |
66 | A. Setiawan, M.R. Putri, T Pohlmann and B. Mayer; “Combining ocean numerical model and SAR imagery to investigate the occurrence of oil pollution, a case study for the Java Sea” | IOP Science 2017 IOP Conf.Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 54 012080; doi: 1088/1755-1315/54/1/012080. | |
67 | N.R. Herdianita, P.R.L. Browne dan K.A. Rodgers. Styles of hydrothermal alteration in the Darajat geothermal field, West Java, Indonesia: a progress report. | Proceeding 23rd NZ Geothermal Workshop, University of Auckland, hal. 119-124, 2001. | |
68 | N.R. Herdianita, J.N. Moore, D.I. Norman, P.R.L. Browne dan S.F. Simmons. Paleohydrology of Darajat geothermal field, West Java, Indonesia: how the vapour system can be built up from the water. | Proceeding 24th NZ Geothermal Workshop, University of Auckland, 2003. | |
69 | N.R. Herdianita dan W. Mandradewi. Evolution of Cisolok-Cisukarame Geothermal System, West Java, Indonesia, Based on its Surface Manifestation. | Proceeding of World Geothermal Congress 2010, Bali-Indonesia, 2010. | |
70 | N.R. Herdianita, T. Julinawati dan I.E. Amorita. Hydrogeochemistry of Thermal Water from Surface Manifestation at Gunung Ciremai and its Surrounding, Cirebon, West Java-Indonesia. | Proceeding of World Geothermal Congress 2010, Bali-Indonesia, 2010. | |
71 | Y. Ramadhan, K. Channel dan N.R. Herdianita. Geochemistry of thermal fluids from Dieng Geothermal System. Its Application to Understand Characteristics of Subsurface Reservoir. | Proceeding of the 39th Indonesian Geologist Annual Meeting, Lombok-Indonesia, 2010 | |
72 | N.R. Herdianita dan D.I. Setiawan, Sistem Panas Bumi Gunung Karua-Bittuang, Kabupaten Tana Toraja, Sulawesi Selatan. | Proceeding of the Join Convention of Indonesian Geologist and Geophysicist, Makassar-Indonesia, 2011 | |
73 | D. Risdianto dan N.R. Herdianita, Perubahan Sistem Hidrotermal Kanan Dede, Luwu, Sulawesi Selatan Berdasarkan Studi Inklusi Fluida pada Alterasi Hidrotermal. | Proceeding of the Join Convention of Indonesian Geologist and Geophysicist, Makassar-Indonesia, 2011 | |
74 | B.A. Kusumasari dan N.R. Herdianita, Characteristics of Geothermal Manifestation on Mt. Rajabasa, Lampung to Comprehend the Subsurface Flow Pattern of Thermal Fluids. | Proceeding of 1st International Seminar of Environmental Geoscience in Asia (ISEGA), Bandung, 5-6 Oktober 2011 | |
75 | B.A. Kusumasari, N.R. Herdianita, H.N. Hidayat dan T. Julinawati, Antara Anyer dan Lampung: Geologi dan Geokimia Tiga Sistem Panas Bumi. | Proceeding of the 11th Annual Indonesian Geothermal Association Meeting and Conference, Bandar Lampung, 13-14 September 2011 | |
76 | W.A. Nurlathifah dan N.R. Herdianita, Karakteristik Endapan Travertin Baturraden, Gunung Slamet, Jawa Tengah. | Proceeding of the 11th Annual Indonesian Geothermal Association Meeting and Conference, Bandar Lampung, 13-14 September 2011 | |
77 | I. Hamzah, N.R. Herdianita dan Y. Saffitri, Sistem Panas Bumi Cimandiri: Asal dan Karakteristik. | Proceeding of the 11th Annual Indonesian Geothermal Association Meeting and Conference, Bandar Lampung, 13-14 September 2011 | |
78 | J.P. Giriarso, Mulyanto, W. Firmansyah, Christoffel AEP dan N.R. Herdianita, Hidrogeokimia Lapangan Panas Bumu Hululais, Bengkulu. | Proceeding of the 11th Annual Indonesian Geothermal Association Meeting and Conference, Bandar Lampung, 13-14 September 2011 | |
79 | B.A. Kusumasari dan N.R. Herdianita, Geothermal Potency of Mt. Rajabasa (South Lampung, Sumatra, Indonesia): Based on Fluid Geochemistry Data. | Proceeding of Annual Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Sciences (SEES), Singapore, 13-14 Februari 2012 | |
80 | N.R. Herdianita, J. Situmorang, W. Mussofan, I. Hamzah, Geothermal Resources of Java – Indonesia. | Proceeding of the 2012 Australian Geothermal Energy Conference, Sydney, Australia, 2012 | |
81 | Kusumasari, B.A., J. Situmorang, W. Mussofan, N.R. Herdianita, Geology and Geochemistry of Hydrothermal Systems of West Toba (Indonesia): A Preliminary Study. | Proceeding of the 2012 Australian Geothermal Energy Conference, Sydney, Australia, 2012 | |
82 | B.A. Kusumasari, K. Yonezu, N.R. Herdianita, S. Taguchi, K. Watanabe, Fluid Geochemistry Characteristics of Simbolon and Pusuk Bukit Geothermal Area in Toba Caldera, North Sumatra Province, Indonesia. | Proceeding 35th New Zealand Geothermal Workshop, Rotorua, New Zealand, 2013 | |
83 | D. Permatasari, A. Sugandhi, N.M. Saptadji, N.R. Herdianita, A. Ashat, R. Suryanta, Prediction of Carbon Behaviors with Emphasis on Clean Development Mechanism: the Darajat Geothermal Field – Preliminary Study. | Proceeding Thirty-Eighth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, California (SGP-TR-198), 2013 | |
84 | W.S. Utami, N.R. Herdianita, Atmaja, R.W., The Effect of Temperature and pH on the Formation of Silica Scaling of Dieng Geothermal Field, Central Java, Indonesia. | Proceeding Thirty-Ninth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, California (SGP-TR-202), 2014 | |
85 | Sudono, K.P.B.D., A.S.O. Tampubolon, N.R. Herdianita, Occurrence of Non-Volcanic Geothermal Manifestation in Tarakan Basin, East Borneo. | Proceeding of 5th ITB International Geothermal Workshop, Bandung, Indonesia, 2015 | |
86 | Iqbal, M., N.R. Herdianita, D. Risdianto, Characteristics of Geothermal Fluid at East Mangarai, Flores, Eas Nusa Tenggara. | Proceeding of 5th ITB International Geothermal Workshop, Bandung, Indonesia, 2016 | |
87 | Kurnia, D., Z. Roskha, N.R. Herdianita, A.E.A. Wibowo, D. Hermawan, Water and Soil Geochemistry Study of Elok and Its Surrounding Area, East Alor, East Nusa Tenggara. | Proceedings of Geosea XIV Congress and 45th IAGI Annual Convention, Bandung, Indonesia, 2016 | |
88 | Erma Yulihastin and Nurjanna Joko Trilaksono; Evolution of Heavy Rainfall in Jakarta Flood Case 2013 Based on COSMO Model | International Conference on Ecohydrology (ICE), 2014, ISBN: 978-979-8163-22-7, Yogyakarta | |
89 | Surgadiana Pamungkas and Nurjanna Joko Trilaksono; Simulation of Aerosol Dispersion in Southeast Asia Using WRF-CHEM Model | Computational Chemistry for Pollutant Mitigation, 2017, ISBN: Tidak Tersedia, Rueil-Malmaison, France, http://www.rs-compchemistry.com/Projet/jcms/c_1627644/fr/home | |
90 | Saepuloh A, Suryantini, and Sumintadireja P Geothermal System of Guntur Volcano West Java Indonesia: A Preliminary Integrated Study Using Magnetotelluric, Aster Image and Tomography 3D With Field Reconnaissance |
Proceedings of 3rd International Workshop on Earth Science and Technology, Kyushu University, Japan, December 2005 | |
91 | P Sumintadireja, M. L Tobing, B Wibowo, I. G. B Sucipta, M. Nurhasanudin, and H Wibowo Volcanic Hazard Analysis for Proposed Nuclear Power Plant Siting in Central Java, Indonesia |
12th Conference of Int. Association for Mathematical Geology, Beijing, China, August 26 -31, 2007 | |
92 | Saepuloh A, Sumintadireja P, Koike K, and Nugraha A. D Digital Geological Mapping of Volcanic Materials Distribution Using Optical Remote Sensing in an Active Volcano |
Proceeding of the 16th Indonesian Scientific Conference, Kyoto, Japan September 2007 | |
93 | Saepuloh A, Koike K, and Sumintadireja P Accurate Detection and Mapping of Altered Minerals by Optical Remote Sensing for an Active Volcano in The Torrid Zone |
Proceeding of 5th International Workshop on Earth Science and Technology, Kyushu University, Japan, December 2007 | |
94 | Heri Andreas, Hasanuddin Zainal Abidin, Mipi Ananta Kusuma, Prihadi Sumintadireja, and I Gumilar Ground Displacements Around LUSI Mud Volcano Indonesia as Inferred from GPS Surveys |
FIG Congress Facing The Challenges-Building The Capacity Sydney, Australia, 11 – 16 April 2010 | |
95 | Prihadi Sumintadireja, Asep Saepuloh, Diky Irawan, and Lucky Junursyah Temporal Analysis of Visible-Thermal Infrared Band and Magnetotelluric Method to Simulate A Geothermal Sitting At MT. Ciremai, West Java, Indonesia |
Proceeding 36th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, California, 31 January – 2 February, ISBN: 9781617827884, 2011 | |
96 | Saepuloh A, Wijaya K, and Sumintadireja P Detecting Soil Layer Condition Soon After Merapi Eruption Using ALOS/PALSAR Data |
Proceeding of The Annual Meeting of Science and Technology Studies (AMSTECS), Tokyo, Japan, 10 – 12, June 2011 | |
97 | Grandis H, Sumintadireja P, and Irawan D A Template for 1-D Inversion of Geo – Electromagnetic Data Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Method |
Conference : 7th General Assembly of IUGG Working Group of Electromagnetic Study on Earthquakes and Volcanoes (EMSEV), Gotemba Kogen Resort, Gotemba Japan, Oktober 1 – 4, 2012 | |
98 | Asep Saepuloh, Minoru Urai, Luhur Bayuaji, Prihadi Sumintadireja, and Emmy Suparka Identifying Volcanic Rocks Using Geomorphologic and Structural Features of Polarimetric SAR Data |
Proceeding of The 5th Indonesia-Japan Join Scientific Symposium (IJJS), Chiba University, Japan, October 2012 | |
99 | Irawan D. E, Sumintadireja P, Irawan D, and Novianti C Heterogenous Geological Control on Volcanic Aquifers at Mount Ciremai, West Java, Indonesia |
Proceeding of The European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vol. 14, Vienna, Austria, April 2012 | |
100 | Saepuloh A, Urai M, Meilano I, and Sumintadireja P Automatic Extraction and Validation of Linear Features Density from ALOS/PALSAR Data for Active Faults and Volcanoes |
Proceeding of The International Symposium on Remote Sensing (ISRS), Chiba, May 2013 | |
101 | Asep Saepuloh, Arif Susanto, Prihadi Sumintadireja, and Emmy Suparka Characterizing Surface manifestation of Geothermal System Under Torrid Zone Using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) |
Proceeding World Geothermal Congress, Melbourne, Australia, 19 – 25 April 2015 | |
102 | Rahayu R., Suwarman R., Lubis A., Santoso H., Firdaus Y., Climate Change Impact on Water Availability in Subang Regency For Energy Alternative in Microhydro Power Plan. | Proceeding of 1st International Symposium on Groundwater Environment Kumamoto University, Japan, December 21-22, 2010. | |
103 | Rahmawati Rahayu, Atika Lubis, Rusmawan Suwarman, and Yan Firdaus; “Climate Change Impact on Water Availability in Subang for Energy Alternative in Micro-Hydropower Palnt” | Proceedings of 1 st International Symposium on Groundwater Environment, Kumamoto University, Japan 21-22 Desember 2010, hal.138-141 | |
104 | K. Ichiyanagi, R. Suwarman, M.D. Yamanaka; “Stable Isotopes in Precipitation Over Indonesia Maritime Continent”; Isotopes in Hydrology, Marine Ecosystems and Climate Change Studies | Proceedings of an International Symposium, Monaco, 27 March- 1 April 2011, Vol. 1 | |
105 | Thalongsengchan, P., T. W. Hadi, M. Niwano, S. Otsuka, and S. Yoden, 2006, An Experimental Weather Prediction in Indochina Region with Meso-scale Model. | Annuals of Disas. Prev. Res. Inst., No. 49 B | |
106 | Tri W. Hadi, Comment on: Impacts of Climate Change and Risks in Vietnam by Bui Trong Vinh, Dong Uyen Thanh, and Nguyen Viet Ky, Regional Development Dialogue, Vol. 32, No. 2, 2011 | Regional Development Dialogue, Vol. 32, No. 2, 2011 |
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