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Proceeding Seminar Internasional
No. Pengarang dan Judul Makalah Nama Seminar, Tahun, ISBN, dan Tempat Publikasi
1 Reksalegora, S, W., Hutasoit, L, M., Harsolumakso, A, H., Ramdhan, A, M., Stress Determination in Overpressure Zone of East Java Basin. Proceeding, Indonesian Petroleum Association, Fourty First Annual Convention & Exhibition, May 2017
2 Harsolumakso, A., H., Sapiie, B, Tuakia, Z., Zhar, A., M., Hasiholan, A., B., Kartanegara, S., M., Yudha, R., I., Ghaniputra, S., Luk Ulo Melange Complex, Central Java, Indonesia; Characteristics, Origin and Tectonics significance. 13th Annual Meeting, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, 31 Juli – 6 Agustus 2016.
3 Reksalegora, S, W., Ramdhan, A, M., Harsolumakso, A, H., Overpressure in Active Compressional Tectonic Setting: A Case in Onshore and Offshore South Madura. Proceedings Joint Convention Balikpapan 2015, HAGI-IAGI-IAFMI-IATMI 5-8 Oktober 2015
4 Harsolumakso, A., H., Sapiie, B, Tuakia, Z., Zhar, A., M., Hasiholan, A., B., Kartanegara, S., M., Yudha, R., I., Ghaniputra, S., Luk Ulo Melange Complex, Central Java, Indonesia; Characteristics, Origin and Tectonics significance. 13th Annual Meeting, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, 31 Juli – 6 Agustus 2016.
5 Villeneuve, M., Bellon, H., Martini, R., Harsolumakso, A., Cornee, J, J., West Timor: a key for the eastern Indonesian geodynamic evolution. Bull. Soc. géol.
France, 2013, t. 184,
no 6, pp. 569-354, 2013
6 Hadiana, Meli., Sapiie, B., Harsolumakso, A.H ., Three Dimensional Restoration of Pull-Apart Basin: Application of Analog Sandbox Modeling Proceedings The 39th HAGI and 42nd IAGI Annual Convention & Exhibition,
Santika-Dyandra Premier Hotel, Medan, 28-31 October 2013.
7 Pholbud, P., Hall, R., Advokaat, E., Burgess, P. & Rudyawan, A. (A new interpretation of Gorontalo Bay, Sulawesi. Proceedings Indonesian Petroleum Association)  6th Annual Convention. proceeding. IPA12-G-039 1-23. Tahun 2012
8 Rudyawan, A. & Hall, R. (Structural reassessment of the South Banggai-Sula area: no Sorong Fault Zone) Proceedings Indonesian Petroleum Association, 36th Annual Convention. p. IPA12-G-030 1-17. Tahun 2012
9 Rudyawan, A., Hall, R. & White, L.(Neogene Extension of the Central North Arm of Sulawesi, Indonesia)   American Geophysics Union, T43A-4681. Tahun 2014
10 Hennig, J., Hall, R., Advokaat, E. & Rudyawan, A. (Large sediment accumulations and major subsidence offshore; rapid uplift on land: Consequences of extension of Gorontalo Bay and northern Sulawesi) Proceedings Indonesian Petroleum Association, 38th Annual Convention. p. IPA14-G-304 1-16. Tahun 2014
11 Tarya, A., A. J. F. Hoitink and M. Van der Vegt. Ocean-Shelf exchange through a Berau barrier reef, Indonesia Proceedings of the 15th biennial international conference on Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas (PECS), 2010, Colombo, Sri Lanka
12 Hoekstra, P., A. J. F. Hoitink, F. Buschman, A. Tarya and G. v Bergh. From river basin to barrier reef: Pathway of coastal sediments Proceedings of the sixth symposium on coastal engineering and science of coastal sediment processes, 2007, New Orleans, USA, doi: 10.1061/40926(239)128.
13 Sapiie, B., New Approach in Exploring Basement-Fractured Reservoir at Sumatra Back-Arc Basins. the 41st IPA Convention & Exhibition, 17 – 19 May, 2017, JCC Jakarta
14 Sapiie, B., Problems in Conducting Fault Seal Analysis in Carbonate Reservoir. the 41st IPA Convention & Exhibition, 17 – 19 May, 2017, JCC Jakarta
15 Sapiie, B., Tiranda, H., Harsolumakso, A,H., New Insight of Fold-Thrust Belt Evolution as Implication of Hydrocarbon Prospect in the West Timor Island, Indonesia. Annual Convention and Exhibition American Association Petroleum and Geoscience (AAPG) 2 – 5 April, 2017, George R. Brown Convention Center, Houston, TX, USA.
16 Sapiie, B., Gunawan, I., New Approach in Conducting Fault Seal Analysis: Case Study of Northwest Java Basin, Indonesia. Annual Convention and Exhibition American Association Petroleum and Geoscience (AAPG) 2 – 5 April, 2017, George R. Brown Convention Center, Houston, TX, USA.
17 Sapiie, B., Gunawan, I., Riswanty, M., Sugiarto, A., Fauziah, R., Geomechanics and Geological Characteristic of Unconventional Plays in the South Sumatra Basin, Indonesia. Annual Convention and Exhibition American Association Petroleum and Geoscience (AAPG) 2 – 5 April, 2017, George R. Brown Convention Center, Houston, TX, USA.
18 Sapiie, B., A. Kurniawan, H. Danio, D. Daniel, M. Hadiana, M. OHARA, M. FUJIMOTO, L. A. Perdana, A. SaputraStructural Styles and Hydrocarbon Exploration Challenges in the Babar-Selaru Fold-Thrust-Belt, Banda Sea Region, Indonesia. Annual Convention & Exhibition American Association Petroleum and Geoscience (AAPG) 2016  in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 19 – 22 Juni 2016.
19 Nugroho, R.P., Basuki, N. I., and Sapiie, B., 2016. Fractal Distribution of Veins and Fractures Spacing in Mineral Exploration: Case Study in Kayu Aro Are, Jambi, Indonesia. Proceedings of the International Scientific Forum-Contest of Students and Young Researchers, The National Mineral Resources University, Saint-Petersburg Mining University, Rusia, 20-22 April 2016, p. 33-35.
20 Sapiie, B., M. Hadiana, A. Kurniawan, D. Daniel, H. Danio, M. Fujimoto, M. Ohara, L. A. Perdana, A. Saputra. Kinematic Analysis of Fold-Thrust-Belt Using Integrated Analogue Sandbox Modeling and 3D Palinspatic Reconstructions in Babar-Selaru Area, Banda Sea Region, Indonesia.  European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016, 17-22 April 2016, Vienna, Austria.
21 Sapiie, B., Tureno, E. Y., Apriansyah, D., Iskandar, O., “Geomechanics and Fractures Characteristic of Pre-Tertiary Basement Fractured Reservoir in Sumatra Basins”. AAPG International Conference & Exhibition in Melbourne, 13-16 September 2015.
22 Sapiie, B., Danio, H., Asikin, A., Priyono. A., “Geology and Geomechanics Evaluation of CCS Pilot Project in The Gundih Field, East Java Basin, Indonesia”. AAPG International Conference & Exhibition in Melbourne, 13-16 September 2015.
23 Nugroho, D., Dewawisesa, S., Noeradi, D., Sapiie, B., Suparka, E., “Compositional Variations and Analysis on Carbonate Turbidite and Debrite of Oligo-Miocene Rajamandala Limestone (Rajamandala Formation), Padalarang Area, West Java” AAPG International Conference & Exhibition in Melbourne, 13-16 September 2015.
24 Sapiie, B., Pamumpuni, A., Understanding Fault and Earthquakes: Current Perspective and Knowledge. The 5th International Symposium on Earth-hazard and Disaster Mitigation Institute of Technology Bandung, 19-20 October 2015
25 Sapiie, B., Kurniawan, A., Pamumpuni, A., Danil, D., Gunawan, I., New Insight of Structural Evolution of The Timor Island and  Australian Continental Margin.  GSA Annual Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, USA 1-4 November 2015.
26 Sapiie, B., Danio, H., Priyono, A., Asikin, A, R., Widarto, D, S., Widianto, E., Tsuji, T., Geological Characteristic and Fault Stability of The Gundih CCS Pilot Project at Central Java, Indonesia. Proceedings of the 12th SEGJ International Symposium, 2015.
27 Sapiie, B., Dharmayanti, D., Satyana, A., Rustam, A., Deighton, I., Yulian, F., and Chandra, J., “Geology and Tectonic Evolution of Fore-Arc Basins in The Western Indonesia”. The Geological Society of America (GSA) Annual Meeting 19 – 22 October 2014, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
28 Cloos, M., and Sapiie, B., “Porphyry Copper Orebody Formation: Strike-Slip Faulting and Throttling Cupolas”, The Geological Society of America (GSA) Annual Meeting 19-22 October 2014, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
29 Sapiie, B., and Purwaman, I., “An Outcrops Analogue to Basement Fractured Reservoirs of The Suban Gas Field, South Sumatra Basin, Indonesia”. The Geological Society of America (GSA) Annual Meeting 19-22 October 2014, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
30 Sapiie, B., Satyana, A., Dharmayanti, D., Rustam, A., Deighton, I., Adyagharini, A., 2014, Tectonic Evolution and Hydrocarbon Potential in the Fore-arc Basins of Western Indonesia.  AAPG International Conference & Exhibition in Istanbul, Turkey, 14-17 September 2014.
31 Sapiie, B., Rifiyanto, A., Perdana, L., 2014, Cleats Analysis and CBM potential of The Barito Basin, South Kalimantan, Indonesia. AAPG International Conference & Exhibition in Istanbul, Turkey, 14-17 September 2014.
32 Sapiie, B., Rifiyanto, A.,  & Suryanugraha, A. M., 2014, Tectonic Controlled of Cleats Development as Implication of Coal Bed Methane (CBM) Prospect in the Barito Basin, South Borneo. 76th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 16 – 19 June 2014.
33 Sapiie, B., Yulian, F., Chandra, J., Satyana, A, H., Dharmayanti, D., Rustam, A, H., Deighton, I., Geology and Tectonic Evolution of Fore-Arc Basins: Implications of Future Hydrocarbon Potential in the Western Indonesia. Proceedings, Indonesian Petroleum Association, of 39th Annual Convention & Exhibition, 20 – 22 Mei 2015, JCC, Jakarta.
34 Sapiie, B., Hadiana, Meli., Pamumpuni, Astyka., Kurniawan, Ade., Daniel, Dicky, Evolution of Fold-Thrust-Belt Deformation in the Eastern Indonesia Region. Proceedings, Indonesian Petroleum Association, of 37th Annual Convention & Exhibition, 15 – 17 Mei 2013, JCC, Jakarta (Oral).
35 Febrian, A., Sapiie, B., Tectonic Inversion Impact to Coal Cleat Characteristics of Tanjung Formation, Karangintan Area, Barito Basin, South Kalimantan.  Proceedings, Indonesian Petroleum Association, of 37th Annual Convention & Exhibition, 15 – 17 Mei 2013, JCC, Jakarta (Oral).
36 Andreas H., Usriyah, Abidin. H.Z., Sarsito. D.A. Tidal inundation (“rob”) investigation using time series of high resolution satellite image data and from institu measurements along northern coast of Java (Pantura). 2nd International Conference on Transdiciplinary Research of Environmental Problem in South East Asia (TREPSEA) 2016 – Bandung Indonesia 20-22 September 2016
37 Andreas H., Abidin. H. Z., Gumilar, I. Sidiq, T. P. Yuwono, B. D. Adaptation and Mitigation of Land Subsidence in Semarang. International Symposium on Earthquake and Disater Motigation. Bandung, 11-12 Oktober 2016.
38 Andreas H., Abidin. H. Z., Gumilar. I, Sidiq, T. P. Recent Land Subsidence in Semarang (Indonesia) as Estimated using GPS Surveys. International Symposium on Global Navigation Satellitte System, Taiwan, 4 December-7 December 2016.
39 Andreas H., Dhota Pradipta., Abidin. H.Z., Sarsito. D.A. Early Pictures of Global Climate Change Impact to the Coastal Area (North West of Demak Central Java Indonesia). Paper presented at International Symposium on Earthquake and Disater Mitigation. Bandung, 11-12 Oktober 2016.
40 Andreas H., Dina Sarsito Hasanuddin Z Abidin, Irwan Meilano. “Learning a Disaster From Earthquake Cycle Deformation (Case Study Jogjakarta Earthquake with the LUSI Eruption 2006)”. FIG Working Week 2016 (Recovery From Disaster), Christchurch, New Zealand, 2-6 May 2016.
41 Andreas H., H.Z. Abidin, I.Meilano, D.A Sarsito, I.Gumilar. “Do we still confidence to say Jogjakarta Earthquake Trigger LUSI Mud Volcano”. International Seminar on Disaster Management (ISDM) , Jogjakarta Central Java Indonesia, 16-18 December 2013.
42 Andreas H., H.Z. Abidin, M.A Kusuma, I.Gumilar. “After four years of Ground Displacements following LUSI Mud Volacno Eruption”. FIG Congress 2011 (Bridging the Gap between Cultures) , Marrakech Morocco, 18-22 May 2011.
43 Andreas H., H.Z. Abidin, M.A Kusuma, P. Sumintadireja, I.Gumilar. “Ground Displacement around LUSI Mud Volcano Indonesia as Infferered from GPS Survyes”. FIG Congress 2010 (Facing the Challenge-Building Capacity , Sydney Australia, 11-16 April 2010.
44 Andreas H., H, H.Z.Abidin, M.A Kusuma, Irwan G.,T.Purnama Sidiq, M.Gamal. Caldera Formation Processes On LUSI Mud Volcano and Its Impact to People and Their Environment. The first International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure and Built Environment in Developing Countries, Sabuga Institute of Technology Bandung, Bandung Indonesia, November 2-3, 2009
45 Andreas H., H.Z. Abidin, Irwan G, D.A Sarsito, M.Gamal. “Epoch Reference Definition of Boundaries Demarcation Coordinate’s Set”. South East Asias Surveyor Congress –SEASC 2009; Bali 3-7 Agustus 2009
46 Andreas H., H.Z. Abidin, Terruyuki Kato, Takeo Ito, Haryono H, M.A.Kusuma, Irwan G, T.Purmana Sidiq, S.L.Nurmaulia, M. Gamal. “Lesson from July 17, 2006 South of Java Earthquake”. International Conference on Tsunami Warning -ICTW (2008); Bali 12-14 November 2008
47 Rohiman, R., Sucipta, I G. B. E., Abdurrachman, M., dan Sugiono, S. R. A., Petrogenesis of Malabar Volcano, West java, Indonesia Geosea XIV and 45th IAGI Annual Convention, Tahun 2016, ISBN 978-979-8126-29-1, Bandung, Halaman 295 – 300.
48 Sagara, M. G. dan Sucipta, I G. B. E., Anatexis of migmatitic amphibole othogneiss in Jundeng Migmatitite, Lampung Geosea XIV and 45th IAGI Annual Convention, Tahun 2016, ISBN 978-979-8126-29-1, Bandung, Halaman 326 – 335.
49 Draniswari, W. A., Sucipta, I G. B. E., dan Sugiono, S. R. A., Petrology characteristic of Wayang-Windu andesite lava Geosea XIV and 45th IAGI Annual Convention, Tahun 2016, ISBN 978-979-8126-29-1, Bandung, Halaman 343 – 347.
50 Abdurrachman, M., Yamamoto, M., Suparka, E., Sucipta, I G. B. E., Kurniawan, I. A., Hasibuan, R. F., Across arc variation of strontium isotope and K2O composition in the Quaternary volcanic rocks from West Java: Evidence for crustal assimilation and the involvement of subducted components HAGI-IAGI-IAFMI-IATMI Joint Convention, Tahun 2015, ISBN, Balikpapan, Halaman
51 Sadisun, I. A., Kartiko, R. D., Kesumaningtyas, A., Utami, T. E., and Sucipta, E., Shear Strength Reduction of Tertiary Jatiluhur-Subang Claystones Due to Swelling Processes 10th Asian Regional Conference of IAEG, Tahun 2015, ISBN, Kyoto, Japan, Halaman
52 Hutasoit, L.M., Groundwater Condition in Bandung Area and Its Surrounding International Conference on Transdiciplinary Research of Environmental Problems in Southeast Asia (TREPSEA), 2016, September 20-22, Bandung.
53 Hutasoit, L.M., Cause Of Land Subsidence In Jakarta International Roundtable Discussion  On Subsidence, 2015, Ministry of Public Works.
54 Gumilar, I., Abidin, H.Z.,  Hutasoit, L.M., Hakim, D.M., Sidiq, T.P., and Heri Andreas, Land Subsidence in Bandung Basin and Its Possible Causes 3rd International Symposium on Earthquake and Disaster Mitigation (ISEDM 2013). Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 12 (2015) 47-62.
55 Hutasoit, L.M. and Ramdhan, A.M., Similiarities of Overpressuring In Some Western Indonesia’s Sedimentary Basin Proc. Of 38th Annual Convention & Exhibition Indonesian Petroleum Association, 2014, IPA14-G-356.
56 Syaiful, M., Hutasoit, L.M., Ramdhan, A.M., Widayat, A.H., and Tribuana, I. Y.,  Shifting of Compaction Trend in the North Sumatra Basin and Its Implication to Overpresure Estimation In The North Sumatra Basin Proc. Of 38th Annual Convention & Exhibition Indonesian Petroleum Association, 2014, IPA14-G-358.
57 Prayitno, I.P., Susandi, A., Tamamadin, M., Firdaus, F.M., Zaky, B.M., Wijaya, A.R., Mulya, A., Pandini, O., Pratama, A., 2016 Development of Smart Planting Calendar in Indramayu District A.Nergy Conference, Korea Selatan, September 2016
58 Kemili, P. and M.R. Putri “Estimation of primary productivity in Banda Sea using the vertical distribution model” ICMNS, 2012, AIP Conferece Proceedings, Vol. 1589, pp. 389-393. (terindex Scopus)
59 Iswiati Utamiputeri, Mutiara Rachmat Putri, Zainal Arifin: “Hydrodynamic Condition of Kapuas Kecil River, Pontianak Based on Simulation Model” International Seminar and Workshop on Hydrography, Batam Island, 27-29 August 2013
60 Corry Corvianawatie, Mutiara Rachmat Putri, Sri Yudawati Cahyarini, Willem Merpy Tatipatta:”Variability of Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Surface Salinity in the Ambon Bay and its Relation to ENSO/IOD and Monsoon International Seminar and Workshop on Hydrography, Batam Island, 27-29 August 2013, Indonesian Journal of Geospatial, Vol. 3, no. 2 (2014)
61 Mutiara R. Putri, Agus Setiawan, and Mediana Safitri: “Variation of Ocean pH in the Indonesia waters” ICMNS 2014, AIP Conference Proceedings 1677, 060021-1 s.d. 060021-4 (2015)
62 Suliskania Nurfitri, and Mutiara Rachmat Putri:”Data Assimilation Technique of 2-dimensional vertical Temperature Transport Model (Case Study: Tropical Pacific Ocean);  ICMNS 2014, AIP Conference Proceedings 1677, 060024; doi: 10.1063/1.4930704
63 Corry Corvianawatie, Sri Y. Cahyarini , and  Mutiara R. Putri; “The Effect of changes in sea surface temperature on linear growth of Porites coral in Ambon Bay ICMNS 2014, AIP Conference Proceedings 1677, 060008; doi: 10.1063/1.4930688
64 Mutiara Rachmat Putri, Agus Setiawan, Thomas Pohlman, Bernhard Mayer, and Martin Gade; “The Assesment of Oil Pollution in Seribu Island Based on Remote Sensing and Numerical Models” Proc.’Living Planet Symposium 2016′, Prague, Czech Republic, 9-13 May 2016 (ESA SP-740, August 2016)
65 Martin Gade, Bernhard Mayer, Thomas Pohlmann, Mutiara Putri, Agus Setiawan; “An Assessment of the Indonesian Coastal Environment Based on SAR Imagery”; category number CFP161GA-ART;code 124694  International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS); Vol. 2016-November, 1 November 2016, Article number 7729575, Pages 2227-2230; 36th IEEE, IGARSS 2016; Beijing China; 10 – 15 July 2016
66 A. Setiawan, M.R. Putri, T Pohlmann and B. Mayer; “Combining ocean numerical model and SAR imagery to investigate the occurrence of oil pollution, a case study for the Java Sea” IOP Science 2017 IOP Conf.Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 54 012080; doi: 1088/1755-1315/54/1/012080.
67 N.R. Herdianita, P.R.L. Browne dan K.A. Rodgers. Styles of hydrothermal alteration in the Darajat geothermal field, West Java, Indonesia: a progress report. Proceeding 23rd NZ Geothermal Workshop, University of Auckland, hal. 119-124, 2001.
68 N.R. Herdianita, J.N. Moore, D.I. Norman, P.R.L. Browne dan S.F. Simmons. Paleohydrology of Darajat geothermal field, West Java,  Indonesia: how the vapour system can be built up from the water. Proceeding 24th NZ Geothermal Workshop, University of Auckland, 2003.
69 N.R. Herdianita dan W. Mandradewi. Evolution of Cisolok-Cisukarame Geothermal System, West Java, Indonesia, Based on its Surface Manifestation. Proceeding of World Geothermal Congress 2010, Bali-Indonesia, 2010.
70 N.R. Herdianita, T. Julinawati dan I.E. Amorita. Hydrogeochemistry of Thermal Water from Surface Manifestation at Gunung Ciremai and its Surrounding, Cirebon, West Java-Indonesia. Proceeding of World Geothermal Congress 2010, Bali-Indonesia, 2010.
71 Y. Ramadhan, K. Channel dan N.R. Herdianita. Geochemistry of thermal fluids from Dieng Geothermal System. Its Application to Understand Characteristics of Subsurface Reservoir. Proceeding of the 39th Indonesian Geologist Annual Meeting, Lombok-Indonesia, 2010
72 N.R. Herdianita dan D.I. Setiawan, Sistem Panas Bumi Gunung Karua-Bittuang, Kabupaten Tana Toraja, Sulawesi Selatan. Proceeding of the Join Convention of Indonesian Geologist and Geophysicist, Makassar-Indonesia, 2011
73 D. Risdianto dan N.R. Herdianita, Perubahan Sistem Hidrotermal Kanan Dede, Luwu, Sulawesi Selatan Berdasarkan Studi Inklusi Fluida pada Alterasi Hidrotermal. Proceeding of the Join Convention of Indonesian Geologist and Geophysicist, Makassar-Indonesia, 2011
74 B.A. Kusumasari dan N.R. Herdianita, Characteristics of Geothermal Manifestation on Mt. Rajabasa, Lampung to Comprehend the Subsurface Flow Pattern of Thermal Fluids. Proceeding of 1st International Seminar of Environmental Geoscience in Asia (ISEGA), Bandung, 5-6 Oktober 2011
75 B.A. Kusumasari, N.R. Herdianita, H.N. Hidayat dan T. Julinawati, Antara Anyer dan Lampung: Geologi dan Geokimia Tiga Sistem Panas Bumi. Proceeding of the 11th Annual Indonesian Geothermal Association Meeting and Conference, Bandar Lampung, 13-14 September 2011
76 W.A. Nurlathifah dan N.R. Herdianita, Karakteristik Endapan Travertin Baturraden, Gunung Slamet, Jawa Tengah. Proceeding of the 11th Annual Indonesian Geothermal Association Meeting and Conference, Bandar Lampung, 13-14 September 2011
77 I. Hamzah, N.R. Herdianita dan Y. Saffitri, Sistem Panas Bumi Cimandiri: Asal dan Karakteristik. Proceeding of the 11th Annual Indonesian Geothermal Association Meeting and Conference, Bandar Lampung, 13-14 September 2011
78 J.P. Giriarso, Mulyanto, W. Firmansyah, Christoffel AEP dan N.R. Herdianita, Hidrogeokimia Lapangan Panas Bumu Hululais, Bengkulu. Proceeding of the 11th Annual Indonesian Geothermal Association Meeting and Conference, Bandar Lampung, 13-14 September 2011
79 B.A. Kusumasari dan N.R. Herdianita, Geothermal Potency of Mt. Rajabasa (South Lampung, Sumatra, Indonesia): Based on Fluid Geochemistry Data. Proceeding of Annual Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Sciences (SEES), Singapore, 13-14 Februari 2012
80 N.R. Herdianita, J. Situmorang, W. Mussofan, I. Hamzah, Geothermal Resources of Java – Indonesia. Proceeding of the 2012 Australian Geothermal Energy Conference, Sydney, Australia, 2012
81 Kusumasari, B.A., J. Situmorang, W. Mussofan, N.R. Herdianita, Geology and Geochemistry of Hydrothermal Systems of West Toba (Indonesia): A Preliminary Study. Proceeding of the 2012 Australian Geothermal Energy Conference, Sydney, Australia, 2012
82 B.A. Kusumasari, K. Yonezu, N.R. Herdianita, S. Taguchi, K. Watanabe, Fluid Geochemistry Characteristics of Simbolon and Pusuk Bukit Geothermal Area in Toba Caldera, North Sumatra Province, Indonesia. Proceeding 35th New Zealand Geothermal Workshop, Rotorua, New Zealand, 2013
83 D. Permatasari, A. Sugandhi, N.M. Saptadji, N.R. Herdianita, A. Ashat, R. Suryanta, Prediction of Carbon Behaviors with Emphasis on Clean Development Mechanism: the Darajat Geothermal Field – Preliminary Study. Proceeding Thirty-Eighth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, California (SGP-TR-198), 2013
84 W.S. Utami, N.R. Herdianita, Atmaja, R.W., The Effect of Temperature and pH on the Formation of Silica Scaling of Dieng Geothermal Field, Central Java, Indonesia. Proceeding Thirty-Ninth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, California (SGP-TR-202), 2014
85 Sudono, K.P.B.D., A.S.O. Tampubolon, N.R. Herdianita, Occurrence of Non-Volcanic Geothermal Manifestation in Tarakan Basin, East Borneo. Proceeding of 5th ITB International Geothermal Workshop, Bandung, Indonesia, 2015
86 Iqbal, M., N.R. Herdianita, D. Risdianto, Characteristics of Geothermal Fluid at East Mangarai, Flores, Eas Nusa Tenggara. Proceeding of 5th ITB International Geothermal Workshop, Bandung, Indonesia, 2016
87 Kurnia, D., Z. Roskha, N.R. Herdianita, A.E.A. Wibowo, D. Hermawan, Water and Soil Geochemistry Study of Elok and Its Surrounding Area, East Alor, East Nusa Tenggara. Proceedings of Geosea XIV Congress and 45th IAGI Annual Convention, Bandung, Indonesia, 2016
88 Erma Yulihastin and Nurjanna Joko Trilaksono; Evolution of Heavy Rainfall in Jakarta Flood Case 2013 Based on COSMO Model International Conference on Ecohydrology (ICE), 2014, ISBN: 978-979-8163-22-7, Yogyakarta
89 Surgadiana Pamungkas and Nurjanna Joko Trilaksono; Simulation of Aerosol Dispersion in Southeast Asia Using WRF-CHEM Model Computational Chemistry for Pollutant Mitigation, 2017, ISBN: Tidak Tersedia, Rueil-Malmaison, France, http://www.rs-compchemistry.com/Projet/jcms/c_1627644/fr/home
90 Saepuloh A, Suryantini, and Sumintadireja P
Geothermal System of Guntur Volcano West Java Indonesia: A Preliminary Integrated Study Using Magnetotelluric, Aster Image and Tomography 3D With Field Reconnaissance
Proceedings of 3rd International Workshop on Earth Science and Technology, Kyushu University, Japan, December 2005
91 P Sumintadireja, M. L Tobing, B Wibowo, I. G. B Sucipta, M. Nurhasanudin, and H Wibowo
Volcanic Hazard Analysis for Proposed Nuclear Power Plant Siting in Central Java, Indonesia
12th Conference of Int. Association for Mathematical Geology, Beijing, China, August 26 -31, 2007
92 Saepuloh A, Sumintadireja P, Koike K, and Nugraha A. D
Digital Geological Mapping of Volcanic Materials Distribution Using Optical Remote Sensing in an Active Volcano
Proceeding of the 16th Indonesian Scientific Conference, Kyoto, Japan September 2007
93 Saepuloh A, Koike K, and Sumintadireja P
Accurate Detection and Mapping of Altered Minerals by Optical Remote Sensing for an Active Volcano in The Torrid Zone
Proceeding of 5th International Workshop on Earth Science and Technology, Kyushu University, Japan, December 2007
94 Heri Andreas, Hasanuddin Zainal Abidin, Mipi Ananta Kusuma, Prihadi Sumintadireja, and I Gumilar
Ground Displacements Around LUSI Mud Volcano Indonesia as Inferred from GPS Surveys
FIG Congress Facing The Challenges-Building The Capacity Sydney, Australia, 11 – 16 April 2010
95 Prihadi Sumintadireja, Asep Saepuloh, Diky Irawan, and Lucky Junursyah
Temporal Analysis of Visible-Thermal Infrared Band and Magnetotelluric Method to Simulate A Geothermal Sitting At MT. Ciremai, West Java, Indonesia
Proceeding 36th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, California, 31 January – 2 February, ISBN: 9781617827884, 2011
96 Saepuloh A, Wijaya K, and Sumintadireja P
Detecting Soil Layer Condition Soon After Merapi Eruption Using ALOS/PALSAR Data
Proceeding of The Annual Meeting of Science and Technology Studies (AMSTECS), Tokyo, Japan, 10 – 12, June 2011
97 Grandis H, Sumintadireja P, and Irawan D
A Template for 1-D Inversion of Geo – Electromagnetic Data Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Method
Conference : 7th General Assembly of IUGG Working Group of Electromagnetic Study on Earthquakes and Volcanoes (EMSEV), Gotemba Kogen Resort, Gotemba Japan, Oktober 1 – 4, 2012
98 Asep Saepuloh, Minoru Urai, Luhur Bayuaji, Prihadi Sumintadireja, and Emmy Suparka
Identifying Volcanic Rocks Using Geomorphologic and Structural Features of Polarimetric SAR Data
Proceeding of The 5th Indonesia-Japan Join Scientific Symposium (IJJS), Chiba University, Japan, October 2012
99 Irawan D. E, Sumintadireja P, Irawan D, and Novianti C
Heterogenous Geological Control on Volcanic Aquifers at Mount Ciremai, West Java, Indonesia
Proceeding of The European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vol. 14, Vienna, Austria, April 2012
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