Link: Scopus // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index (SINTA)
Since 2020: Dean Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology (FEST
and Professer in Earthquake Geodesy
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
Scopus H-Index (June 2022) : 22
- Bachelor of Geodetic Eng. – Institut Teknologi Bandung Graduated : 1997
- Master of Science, Earth Science – Nagoya University Graduated: 2003
- Doctor of Science, Earth Science – Nagoya University Graduated: 2006
- 2010 – now : Chairman of Geodesy WG, National Team for Updating Indonesia Earthquake Hazard Map
- 2011 – 2018 : Research Coordinator, Graduate Research on Earthquake and Active Tectonics (GREAT), ITB – ANU
- 2015 – 2020 : Secretary, Institute for Research and Community Services (LPPM) ITB
- 2018 – 2020 : Chairman, Center of Excelence (CeO) in Earthuake Science and Technology (CEST) ITB
- Best Student Presentation, Geodetic Society of Japan (GSJ), Fall Meeting 2003
- Award for Contribution to Geophysical Knowledge, Indonesian Association of Geophysicists (HAGI), 2012
- Award for Development of Geodesy and Geomatics. Indonesian Surveyor Association (ISI), 2014
- Research Award, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), 2016
- Indroyono Susilo Award, The Fifth International Conferences of Indonesia Society for Remote Sensing (ICOIRS), 2019.
- The 2021 MW 6.2 Mamuju, West Sulawesi, Indonesia Earthquake: Partial rupture of the Makassar Strait Thrust, Irwan Meilano, Rino Salman, S. Susilo, H.i Ash Shiddiqi, Pepen Supendi, K. Lythgoe, Cheryl Tay, K. Bradley, S. Rahmadani, S. Kristyawan, Sang-Ho Yun, Geophysical Journal International,, 2023
- The 2018 Mw7.5 Palu ‘supershear’ earthquake ruptures geological fault’s multisegment separated by large bends: Results from integrating field measurements, LiDAR, swath bathymetry and seismic-reflection data: Danny Hilman Natawidjaja, M. R Daryono, G. Prasetya, Udrekh, P. L-F Liu, N. D. Hananto, W. Kongko, W. Triyoso, A. R. Puji, Irwan Meilano, E.Gunawan, P. Supendi, A. Pamumpuni, M. Irsyam, L. Faizal, S.Hidayati, B.Sapiie, M. A Kusuma, S. Tawil, Geophysical Journal International, 224(2), pp. 985–1002, 202
- Source Characteristics of the 2019 Mw 6.5 Ambon, Eastern Indonesia, Earthquake Inferred from Seismic and Geodetic Data; Irwan Meilano, R. Salman, S. Rahmadani, Q. Shi, S. Susilo, E. Lindsey,P. Supendi, D. Daryono; Seismological Research Letters; V 92, 4, Agustus 2021.
- Rapid Magnitude Estimation Of The August 5, 2018, Lombok Earthquake Using High-Rate Gnss Data; Irwan Meilano, Susilo Susilo, Dina Sarsito; International Journal of GEOMATE; V. 23 No. 98, 2022.
- Rapid Estimation of Earthquake Magnitude and Source Parameters using Genetic Algorithms,Astri Novianty, Irwan Meilano, Carmadi Machbub, Sri Widiyantoro, and Susilo Susilo; Applied Sciences; Vol 11, Issue 24, 11852, 2021
- Ionospheric Disturbances after the 2022 Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai Eruption above Indonesia from GNSS-TEC Observations, Ihsan N. Muafiry, Irwan Meilano, Kosuke Heki, D. D. Wijaya, K. A. Nugraha; Atmosphere; 13, Issue 10, 2022
- Geodetic observation of strain accumulation in the Banda Arc region; Suchi Rahmadani, Irwan Meilano, Susilo Susilo, Dina A. Sarsito, Hasanuddin Z. Abidin, Pepen Supendi; Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk; Volume 13 Issue 1, 2022.
- Foreshock–mainshock–aftershock sequence analysis of the 14 January 2021 (Mw 6.2) Mamuju–Majene (West Sulawesi, Indonesia) earthquake: Pepen Supendi, M. Ramdhan, Priyobudi, D. Sianipar, A. Wibowo, M.T. Gunawan, S. Rohadi, .NF. Riama, Daryono, B. S. Prayitno, J. Murjaya, D. Karnawati, Irwan Meilano, N., S. Widiyantoro, A. D., G. I. Marliyani, K. H. Palgunadi & E. M. Elsera. Earth, Planets and Space, 73(1), 106, 2021.
- Earthquakes and tsunamis caused by low-angle normal faulting in the Banda Sea, Indonesia; Phil R Cummins, I. R Pranantyo, J. M Pownmall, J. D Griffin, Irwan Meilano, S. Zhao; Nature Geoscience; V13, 4,312-318, April 2020.
- Development of the 2017 national seismic hazard maps of Indonesia; Masyhur Irsyam, Phil R Cummins, M Asrurifak, L. Faizal, D. H. Natawidjaja, D.H, S. Widiyantoro, Irwan Meilano, W. Triyoso, A. Rudiyanto, S. Hidayati, M Ridwan, N. R. Hanifa, A. J. Syahbana; Earthquake Spectra; V 36, 1, 112-136, Sep. 2020.
- Japan : GPS, Gravity and Leveling observation at Kozu shima, more then 10 observations since 2000-2005
- Russia : Volcano workshop at Avachinsky, Mutnovsky, Gorely and Karymsky volcano August 21-27, 2004
- Indonesia, Aceh : Crustal deformation observation and installation of continue GPS more then 6 trip since february 2005.
- Indonesia, Jogyakarta: Aftershock and deformation observation using short period seismometer and GPS, June 2006.
- Geophysics: 3-D deformation modelling using analytical equation for volcano eruption and earthquake reccurence.
- Geodesy : GPS observation and precise data processing using Bernese 4.0,4.2 and 5.0 in static, kinematic and PPP-mode. Map projection, coordinate transformation and expert in using GMT.
- Mathematics : Data analysis, linear inversion using least squares, non-linear inversion processes (Monte Carlo, Genetic Algorithm).
- Programming: Personal experience in computers programming since 1989. Systems: DOS, Linux(redhat,) Windows, Unix (Mac). Known languages: C, Fortran, Basic and Matlab.
- Indonesian : Native
- English : Fluent
- Japanese : Fluent
International Journal and proceedings
- Meilano Irwan, Hasanuddin Z. Abidin, Sri Widiyantoro and Danny Hilman Natawidjaja. High-rate GPS data analysis during the Bengkulu (South Sumatra) earthquake and tsunami 2007, proceeding of DEWS mid conference Potsdam, 2009
- Meilano Irwan, Hasanuddin Z. Abidin , Dina Anggreni , Dede Gunawan ,Fumiaki Kimata, Coseismic and postseismic deformation of the 2007 Bengkulu earthquake series, proceedings of the 2009 South East Asia Survey Congres, 2009
- Agustan, Djoko Nugroho, Lena Sumargana , Meilano Irwan , M. Effendi Daud , Fumiaki Kimatan and Yusuf S. Djadjadiharja, The water level changes of the Aneuklaot lake, Weh Island after the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake, Advance in Geoscience, 2008.
- Nuraini Rahma Hanifa, Meilano Irwan, Takeshi Sagiya, Fumiaki Kimata, Hasanuddin Z. Abidin, Numerical Modeling of the 2006 Java Tsunami Earthquake, Advance in Geoscience, 2008.
- Meilano Irwan, Research on Earthquake Recurrence and Process from Crustal Deformation Data, JSPS Research Report, March 2008
- Nuraini Rahma Hanifa, Meilano Irwan, Takeshi Sagiya, Fumiaki Kimata, Hasanuddin Z. Abidin, Numerical Modeling of the 2006 Java Tsunami Earthquake, Accepted for publication, Advance in Geoscience, 2008.
- Meilano Irwan ,Yasaku Ohta , Fumiaki Kimata , Takeo Ito, Takao Tabei, Hasannudin Z. Abidin, Agustan, Two years GPS observation in Aceh, 3nd investigation report on the 2004 Northern Sumatra Earthquake, Graduate School of environmental studies, 7-10, 2007
- Meilano Irwan ,Yasaku Ohta , Fumiaki Kimata , Takeo Ito, Takao Tabei, Dudy Darmawan, Heri Andreas, Hasannudin Z. Abidin, Mipi A. Kusuma, Didik Sugiyanto, Agustan, GPS measurement of coseismic displacement in Aceh Province after the 2004 Aceh-Andaman earthquake2n, 2nd investigation report on the 2004 Northern Sumatra Earthquake, Graduate School of environmental studies, 103-108, 2006
- Meilano Irwan , Fumiaki Kimata and Naoyuki Fujii, Time Dependent of Magma Intrusion Model During the Early Stage of The 2000 Miyakejima Activity JVGR(150) 2006 202-212.
- Meilano Irwan , Fumiaki Kimata, Kazuro Hirahara, Takeshi Sagiya and Atsushi Yamagiwa, Measuring Ground Deformation with 1-hz GPS Data : the 2003 Tokachi-oki Earthquake (Preliminary Report) Earth Planets and Space, 56, 389-393, 2004.
- Meilano Irwan, F. Kimata, N. Fujii, S. Nakao, H. Watanabe, S. Sakai, M. Ukawa, W. FUjita, K. Kawai, Rapid ground deformation of the Miyakejima volcano on 26-27 June 2000 Detected by Kinematic GPS analysis, Earth Planets and Space, 55, e13-e16, 2003.
- Masayuki Murasea, Meilano Irwan, Shinichi Kariya, Takao Tabei, Takashi Okuda, Rikio Miyajima, Jun Oikawa, Hidefumi Watanabe, Teruyuki Kato, Shigeru Nakao, Motoo Ukawa, Eisuke Fujita, Muneo Okayama, Fumiaki Kimata and Naoyuki Fujii, Time dependent model of magma intrusion in and around Miyake and Kozu Islands, Central Japan in June-August, 2000, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, Volume 150, Issues 1-3, 1 February 2006, Pages 213-231
- Hideki Ueda, Takumi Matsumoto, Eisuke Fujita, Motoo Ukawa, Eiji Yamamoto, Yoichi Sasai, Meilano Irwan and Fumiaki Kimata, Geomagnetic changes associated with the dike intrusion during the 2000 Miyakejima eruptive activity, Japan, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Volume 245, Issues 1-2, 15 May 2006, Pages 416-426
- M. Furuya,S. Okubo F. Kimata, R. Miyajima, Meilano Irwan , W. Sun. Y. Tanaka and T. Miyazaki Mass budget of the magma flow in the 2000 volcano-seismic activity at Izu-islands, Japan Earth Planets and Space, 55, 375-385, 2003 .
- F. Kimata, Meilano Irwan and K. Fukano Ground deformation at Hachijo Island, Japan on 13-22 August 2002 observed by GPS measurements and estimated dike intrusion (in japanese) Buletin of Volcanological Society of Japan, 2003.
National Journal Article
- Irwan Meilano, Hasanuddin Z Abidin, Heri Andreas, Dina Anggreni, Irwan Gumilar, Teriyuki Kato, Hery Harjono, Zulfakriza, Oktavia Dewi, Agustan, Arif Rahman.Pergeseran Koseismik dari Gempa Bumi Jawa Barat. Jurnal Lingkungan dan Bencana Geologi, Vol. 1 No. 1 April 2010 : 35-42. ISSN 2086-7794
- H. Andreas, H.Z. Abidin, I. Meilano, I. Gumilar, D.A. Sarsito, M. Gamal. Efek Deformasi Koseismik gempa Aceh-Andaman 2004 pada Jaring Titik Kontrol Nasional di Wilayah Nangroe Aceh Daruissalam. Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Mitigasi Bencana Volume 2, Nomor 2, Tahun 2007. ISSN 0126-4907
- Meilano Irwan, Kimata Fumiaki, Fujii Naoyuki, Nakao Shigeo, Watanabe Hidefumi, Fujita Eisuke, Ukawa Motoo, Kawai Kouji, Murakami Makoto. GPS Observation of Crustal Deformation associated with 26 – 27 June 2000 Dike Intrusion in Miyakejima Volcano, (in Japaness) CHIKYU MONTHLY, 39,108-114,ISSN:0387-3498, 2002,
- Meilano Irwan and F. Kimata, Global Positioning System (GPS) application for earthquake studies Case study March 14, 1999 Kozu Island’s earthquake, published in FUSII, 2001.
- Meilano Irwan and F. Kimata, Estimating Source Parameters from Geodetic Observation Data, published in Surveying & Geodesy, 2000.
- Meilano Irwan Volcano Geodesy Problem, published in Surveying & Geodesy, 1999.
Conference Proceeding
- Meilano Irwan, Agustan and Hasanuddin Z. Abidin, Crustal Deformation in Irian Jaya Region and kinematics of the 4th January Earthquakes (Preliminary result from InSAR Modeling), Symposium on Tectonic of the Bird-Head of Papua and the 4th JanuaryEarthquake Doublet- Bandung, 2009
- Meilano Irwan, Masataka Ando, Fumiaki Kimata, Hasanuddin Z. Abidin,Mipi A. Kusuma, Bambang Setyadji ,Heri Andreas, M.Gamal, Arif Rahman, Geometri dan Distribusi Slip dari Gempa Yogjakarta 26 Mei 2006 Berdasarkan Pengamatan Gempa Susulan dan Deformasi Permukaan, Proceeding Himpunan Ahli Geofisika Indonesia (HAGI), Bandung,2008(Awarded best presentation)
- Meilano Irwan,Fumiaki Kimata,Takeo Ito, Agustan , Endra Gunawan, Takao Tabei, Didik Sugiyanto, Hasanuddin Z. Abidin, Mipi A. Kusuma, Potensi Kegempaan pada Segmen Aceh dari Sesar Sumatra berdasarkan Pengamatan Deformasi Kontinu, Proceeding Himpunan Ahli Geofisika Indonesia (HAGI), Bandung,2008
- Meilano Irwan, Yasaku Ohta, Fumiaki Kimata, Takeo Ito, Didik Sugiyanto, Hasanuddin Z. Abidin, Agustan, Postseismic, Deformation of the 2004 Sumatra Earthquake and Slip along the Sumatra Fault Zone (SFZ), AOGS Meeting, Bangkok-Thailand, 2007
- Meilano Irwan, Masataka Ando, Fumiaki Kimata, Kenichi Tadokoro , Haruhisa Nakamichi, Daisuke Muto, Hasanuddin Z. Abidin, Bambang Setyadji, Mipi A. Kusuma, M.Gamal, Arif Rahman, Aftershock locations and rupture characteristics of the 2006 May 27, Yogyakarta – Indonesia earthquake presented at Fall meeting of AGU-San Francisco, 2006
- Meilano Irwan, Yusaku Oota, Takeo Ito and Fumiaki Kimata , Slip distribution of the 2004 and 2005 Sumatra earthquake from GPS observation presented at Meeting of Seismological Society of Japan, Hokkaido, 2005
- Meilano Irwan, Fumiaki Kimata, Naoyuki Fujii, Kazuro Hirahara, Takeshi Sagiya and Atsushi Yamigawa , Kinematic GPS analysis of slip evolution in the coseismic, the biggest aftershock and associated short-term afterslip of the 2003 Tokachi-oki Earthquake presented at 4th Biennial Workshop on Subduction Processes emphasizing the Japan-Kurile-Kamchatka-Aleutian Arcs, Kamchatka, Rusia, 2004
- Meilano Irwan, Fumiaki Kimata, Naoyuki Fujii, Kazuro Hirahara, Takeshi Sagiya and Atsushi Yamigawa , Coseismic and short-term afterslip of the 2003 Tokachi Oki Earthquake from Kinematic GPS presented at The 101th Meeting of Geodetic Society of Japan , Tokyo, October, 2004
- Meilano Irwan, F. Kimata and N. Fujii, Stress changes during the rapid deformation of Miyakejima volcano on 26-27 June 2000 presented at Fall Meeting of American Geophysical Union (AGU), San Francisco, December, 2003
- Meilano Irwan, F. Kimata and N. Fujii, Evidence for dike propagation at Miyakejima 2000 and Hachijojima 2002, from crustal deformation observations, presented at The 100th Meeting of Geodetic Society of Japan , Tokyo, October, 2003
- Meilano Irwan, F. Kimata and N. Fujii, Crustal deformation associated with the 2003 Tokachi-Oki earthquake detected by kinematic GPS analysis , presented at The 100th Meeting of Geodetic Society of Japan , Tokyo, October, 2003
- Meilano Irwan, F. Kimata and N. Fujii, Time dependent of magma intrusion model during the early stage of the 2000 Miyakejima Activity presented at International Union of Geodesy and Geophysic IUGG General Assambly, Sapporo, June 30-July 11, 2003 [abstract]
- Meilano Irwan, F. Kimata and N. Fujii, Modeling the geometry of Dike Intrusions in Miyakejima Volcano using GPS Data presented at International Symposium on Geodesy, Kanazawa, Japan, 28-29 October 2002
- Meilano Irwan, F. Kimata and N. Fujii, Dike Intrusions Associated With the June 27, 2000 Eruption of Miyakejima Volcano, Japan: Results of Kinematic GPS analysis presented at Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting (WPGM), Wellington, New Zealand, 9-12 July 2002
- Meilano Irwan, F. Kimata and N. Fujii, Rapid Ground Deformation at the Miyakejima Volcano, Central Japan Detected by 30-secs Kinematic GPS Analysis on June 26-27, 2000 presented at American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 10-14 December 2001
- Meilano Irwan, F. Kimata and N. Fujii, Crustal Deformation at Miyake Volcano on June 26 – June 27 obtained from Kinematic GPS Method presented at Earth and Planetary Science Joint Meeting, Tokyo, June 4-8 2001
Popular report
1. Irwan Meilano Dapatkah Gempabumi Diprediksi? (Can earthquake be predicted?), Berita Iptek Online, 2006.
Hibah Penelitian
No. | Research Title (the last 5 year) | Tahun |
1. | Seismic hazard analysis in Banda Aceh based on GPS observation on active fault, Asahi Glass Research Foundation (Principle Investigator) | 2011-now |
2. | Pengaruh regangan resional terhadap aktivitas gunungapi Lokon berdasarkan pengamatan GPS, Program riset dan Inovasi ITB 2011 (Principle Investigator) | 2011-now |
3. | Postseismic Deformation and its Implication to Earthquake Hazard in Aceh Region, Penelitian untuk publikasi Internasional-Dikti (Principle Investigator) | 2010-2011 |
4. | Studi tingkat laju-geser (slip-rate) sesar Cimandiri berdasarkan pengamatan geodetic, Program Riset KK-ITB 2010 (Principle Investigator) | 2010-2011 |
5. | Plate coupling dan strain partitioning in the west part of Java “International Research Program Institut Teknologi Bandung”(Principle investigator) | 2009-2010 |
6. | Earthquake potential and strain accumulation of active fault at Aceh region “Research from Ministry of Education of Indonesia” (Principle investigator) | 2009-2010 |
7. | Penelitian Pemantauan dan Pemodelan Pergerakan Tanah Kawasan Semburan Lumpur di Porong, Sidoarjo (Penelitian Insentif-Ristek, Peneliti Anggota) | 2008-now |
8. | Pemodelan terjadinya gempa berdasarkan data pengamatan deformasi (Riset Post-Doc JSPS, Peneliti Utama) | 2006-2008 |
9. | Penelitian sumber seismik gempa Jogja 2006 (Kerjasama penelitian Nagoya Univ.-ITB, Peneliti Utama) | 2006-2007 |
10. | Penelitian mekanisme deformasi postseismik gempa Aceh (Penelitian Monbusho, Peneliti Anggota) | 2006-2010 |
11. | Penelitian deformasi gempa Tokachi-Oki menggunakan metoda 1-Hz GPS (Penelitian Monbusho, Peneliti Anggota) | 2003-2004 |
12. | Pemodelan deformasi Gunung Miyakejima (Penelitian Kementrian Pendidikan-Jepang, Anggota Tim Peneliti) | 2001-2003 |
Profesional Activites:
- Member of Indonesian Geodetic Surveyor Association (ISI) since 1997
- Member of American Geophysical Union (AGU) since 2001
- Member of Geodetic Society of Japan (GSJ) since 2003
- Member of Seismological Society of Japan (SSJ) since 2003
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