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Lihat Publikasi di Scopus // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index (SINTA)
Pendidikan : Drs. (ITB, 1993); Magister Teknik (ITB, 1998); Doktor (Hamburg University)
Publikasi Ilmiah atau Karya Ilmiah
- Susandi. A and R. S. J. Tol, “The impact of international climate policy on Indonesia”, Pacific and Asian Journal of Energy 12(2): 111 – 121, December 2002.
- Susandi. A and R. S. J. Tol, “The Impact of International Climate Policy on Indonesia”, MPI Report No. 341, November 2002.
- Susandi. A, “Carbon Emission and CDM Potential from Indonesian Energy and Forestry Sector”, Proceeding of the National Seminar on Environmental Research on University, Bandung, Indonesia, 1-2 August 2005.
- Irwani. S and A. Susandi, “Indonesian Energy Development as Impact of Global Climate Policy”, Proceeding of the National Seminar on Environmental Research on University, Bandung, Indonesia, 1-2 August 2005.
- Dewi. A. S. and A. Susandi, “Projection of SO2 in Indonesia as Implication of Global Climate Change: Impact and Health Cost”, Proceeding of the National Seminar on Environmental Research on University, Bandung, Indonesia, 1-2 August 2005.
- Tri. Y and A. Susandi, “Application of the IPCC Scenarios for SO2 Projection in Indonesia “, Proceeding of the National Seminar on Environmental Research on University, Bandung, Indonesia, 1-2 August 2005.
- Susandi. A, “Projection of deforestation and cost of slowing deforestation in Indonesian forestry sector”, Proceeding of the International Symposium on Earth System Science 2004, Istanbul, Turkey, 8 – 10 September 2004.
- Susandi. A, “Future emissions of air pollutants in Indonesia: SO2 and Nox”, Proceeding of the International Conference on Policy Modeling, Paris, France, 30 June – 2 July 2004.
- Susandi. A and A. M. Masdar, “Fossil fuel production and net export of Indonesia as impact of international emission trading”, Proceeding of the Joint Convention Jakarta 2003 IAGI-HAGI, Jakarta, Indonesia, 15 – 17 December 2003.
- Susandi. A, “Integrated Assessment Model for Indonesian Energy Forecast”, Proceeding of the Joint Convention Jakarta 2003 IAGI-HAGI, Jakarta, Indonesia, 15 – 17 December 2003.
- Susandi. A, “How Can Indonesia Be One of The Winners in Global Emission Trade?”, Proceeding of the International Seminar of SKET – 2002 – IASI: Technoloy and Policy on Indonesian Resources Utilization, Hamburg, Germany, 21 – 22 September 2002.
Penulisan Buku
Hibah Penelitian
- Armi Susandi, MT. Dr. Kajian Potensi Kelautan Indonesia dalam Menyerap CO2, Direktorat P3M Dirjen Dikti DEPDIKNAS, 2006
- Armi Susandi, MT. Dr.rer.nat, Perubahan Iklim di Wilayah DKI Jakarta: Studi Masa Lalu dan Proyeksi Mendatang, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 2006
- Armi Susandi, MT. Dr.rer.nat, Kajian Potensi Ekonomi dan Lingkungan dari Penggunaan Biodiesel Sebagai Energi Alternatif di Indonesia, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 2005
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