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Lihat Publikasi di Scopus // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index (SINTA)
Pendidikan : Ir. (ITB, 1982); M.Sc. (Univ. Claude Bernard, Lyon Perancis, 1988); Doktor (Univ. de Reims Perancis, 9191)
Publikasi Ilmiah atau Karya Ilmiah
Isnaniawardhani, M.E. Suparka, R. Kapid, and H. Latief, 2004, Pliocene to Holocen Nannoplankton Climatostratigraphy (Case Study: Northern East Java Basin, Indonesia)”. The International Symposium on the Geologic Evolution of East and Southeast Asia, in Bangkok.
R. Kapid; Dewi K. T. and A. Muller, 2004, New Biostratigraphic Sub-biozonation for Indonesia, Derived from Calcareous Nannoplankton and Ostracode Assemblage in Makassar Strait; 5th International Conference on Asean Marine Geology, Bangkok-Thailand, Januari 2004.
Permana, G.A., Nurwibowo, M.A., R. Kapid and Harsolumakso, A. H., 2004, Paleogeographic evolution of the North-West Kebumen sub-basin, Central Java, Indonesia; International Symposium on the Geologic Evolution of East and Southeast Asia, Bangkok-Thailand, 8-14 February 2004.
R. Kapid & Panuju B., 2004, Pembagian Plistosen Akhir (NN.21); Suatu alternative dalam Biozonasi Nannoplankton Berdasarkan Studi Kasus Penampang MD-982161 Selat Makasar Indonesia; Buletin Geologi, Dept. Teknik Geologi ITB-Bdg. , vol. 36, no. 1, 2004, ISSN no. 0126-3498.
Isnaniawardhani, V; Suparka E; R. Kapid and Latief, H., 2003 Pliocene to Holocene Nannoplankton climatostratigraphy (case study : Northern-east Java Basin, Indonesia); International Symposium on the Geologic Evolution of East and Southeast Asia, Bangkok-Thailand, 8-14 February 2004.
R. Kapid. and Permana, G. A., 2003, Calcareous Nanno Fossils And Foraminifera As Indices Of Paleoenvironment (Case Study on Waturanda, Penosogan and Halang Formations in South-Central Java, Indonesia)., Proceed. Of 8th International Congress on Pacific Neogene Stratigraphy’, 2nd – 9th February 2003, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Isnaniawardhani, V; Suparka E; R. Kapid and Latief, H., 2003, Sediment Transport in Madura Waters; Proceed. Of Joint Convention, Jakarta 2003.
Penulisan Buku
- Rubiyanto Kapid : Penulisan Buku Seri Mikropaleontologi yg diedarkan secara Nasional.
- Dewi K. T. & Rubiyanto Kapid. (2004) : Ostracoda : objek alternative untuk analisis mikropaleontologi; Penerbit ITB, ISBN No. 979-3507-18-7.
- Rubiyanto Kapid. (2003) : Nannofosil Gampingan : Pengenalan dan Aplikasi biostratigrafi; Penerbit ITB, ISBN No. 979-9299-77-2.
Hibah Penelitian
- Rubiyanto Kapid, Dr. Mikrofauna Sebagai Indikator Perubahan Lingkungan : Studi Kasus di Perairan Balongan, Indramayu-Jawa Barat. RISET FAKULTAS-ITB. 2006.
Kontrak Proyek
Kerjasama / Kolaborasi Ilmiah
Kegiatan Lain
Rubiyanto Kapid., 2002-2005, Mengikuti Pertemuan Ilmiah Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA)
Rubiyanto Kapid, 2005, Peserta 30th Annual Indonesian Petroleum Association Convention.
Rubiyanto Kapid, 2005, Peserta International Seminar The Quaternary Geological Data As Life Supporting Information for mankind and Environment.
Rubiyanto Kapid, 2004, 5th International Conference on Asean Marine Geology, Bangkok-Thailand.
Rubiyanto Kapid, 2004, International Symposium on the Geologic Evolution of East and Southeast Asia, Bangkok-Thailand.
Rubiyanto Kapid, 2002-2004, Mengikuti Pertemuan Ilmiah Ahli Geologi Indonesia (IAGI).
Rubiyanto Kapid, 2003, 8th International Congress on Pacific Neogene Stratigraphy’, 2nd – 9th February 2003, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
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