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Lihat Publikasi di Scopus // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index (SINTA)
Pendidikan : Ir. (ITB, 1990); Magister Sains Fisika (ITB, 1992); Dr. Eng. (Kyoto Univ. Jepang 2000)
Publikasi Ilmiah atau Karya Ilmiah
- Rizal, A.M. and Ningsih, N.S. (2022). Description and Variation of Ocean Wave Energy in Indonesian Seas and Adjacent Waters. Ocean Engineering, 251 (111086), ISSN 0029-8018, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.111086.
- Abdullah, F.A.R., Ningsih, N.S., and Al-Khan, T.M. (2022). Significant Wave Height Forecasting using Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network in Indonesian Waters. Ocean Eng. Mar. Energy, 8, p. 183–192, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40722-022-00224-3.
- Yulihastin, E., Hadi, T. W., Abdillah, M. R., Fauziah, I. R. , and Ningsih, N. S. (2022). Propagation of Convective Systems associated with Early Morning Precipitation and Different Northerly Background Winds Over Western Java. (2022). Meteor. Soc. Japan, 100 (1), p. 99–113, DOI:10.2151/jmsj.2022-005.
- Ningsih, N.S., Sakina, S.L., Susanto, R.D., and Hanifah, F. (2021). Simulated Zonal Current Characteristics in the Southeastern Tropical Indian Ocean (SETIO). Ocean Sci., 17(4). DOI: https://doi.org/10.5194/os-17-1115-2021.
- Vriend P., Hidayat H., van Leeuwen J., Cordova M.R., Purba N.P., Löhr A.J., Faizal I., Ningsih N.S., Agustina K., Husrin S., Suryono D.D., Hantoro I., Widianarko B., Lestari P., Vermeulen B., and van Emmerik T. (2021). Plastic Pollution Research in Indonesia: State of Science and Future Research Directions to Reduce Impacts. Environ. Sci., 9(692907). DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2021.692907.
- Rachmayani, R., Ningsih, N.S., Ardiansyah, I., Yani, L.F., Rizal, A.M., Kartadikaria, A.R., Sari, N.T, and Park, H. (2021). Utilization and Linkage of Oceanic Energy in Natuna Island: A review. In: Lee, J.L., Suh, K.-S., Lee, B., Shin, S., and Lee, J. (Eds.), Crisis and Integrated Management for Coastal and Marine Safety. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 114, pp. 599–603, ISSN: 0749-0208, DOI: https://doi.org/10.2112/JCR-SI114-121.1
- Kisnarti, E. A., Ningsih, N. S., Putri, M. R., and Hendriati, N. (2021). Current Dynamics and Water Column Stability in Indonesian Waters Based on Hydrodynamics Model. Indonesian Journal of Geography, 53 (2), ISSN: 00249521, DOI: https://doi.org/10.22146/ijg. 58091.
- Rachmayani, R., Ningsih, N.S., and Karyoto, J.A.A. (2021). Assessment of Potential Location for Ocean Wave Energy Converter Installation in Southern Waters of Lampung, Banten and Sukabumi. International Journal on Energy Conversion (I.R.E.CON.), 9(1). DOI: https://doi.org/10.15866/irecon.v9i1.19127.
- Ningsih, N.S., Hanifah, F., Tanjung, T.S., Yani, L.F., and Azhar, M.A. (2020). The Effect of Tropical Cyclone Nicholas (11–20 February 2008) on Sea Level Anomalies in Indonesian Waters. Mar. Sci. Eng. 8(948).
- Rizal, A.M., and Ningsih, N.S. (2020). Ocean Wave Energy Potential along the West Coast of the Sumatra Island, Indonesia. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy, 6 (2). DOI: 10.1007/s40722-020-00164-w.
- Yulihastin, E., Hadi, T. W., Ningsih, N. S., and Syahputra, M. R. (2020). Early morning peaks in the diurnal cycle of precipitation over the northern coast of West Java and possible influencing factors. Annales Geophysicae, 38. 10.5194/angeo-38-231-2020.
- Hermansyah, H., Ningsih, N.S., Nabil, Tarya, A., dan Syahruddin. (2020). Numerical Modeling of Tidal Current Patterns Using 3-Dimensional MOHID in Balikpapan Bay, Indonesia. Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, 12(1). ISSN: 2085-5842; DOI: 10.20473/jipk.v12i1.16257.
- Khoirunnisa, H., Rachman, R.A., Ningsih, N.S., dan Syamsudin, F. (2020). The Role of Decadal Kelvin Wave in the Western of Sumatra and Along the South Coast of Java using Frequency-Wavenumber 2D Spectral Analysis. Journal of Geoscience, Engineering, Environment, and Technology, 5(1). ISSN: 2503-216X. DOI: 10.25299/jgeet.2020.5.1.3889.
- Kuntoro, W.S., Ningsih, N.S., and Rachmayani, R. (2020) Seasonal wave characteristics in Southern Bali Waters in 2014. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 618(012002). ISSN: 1755-1315. DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/618/1/012002.
- Ardiansyah, I., Ningsih, N.S., and Rachmayani, R. (2020) Wave Characteristics in Natuna Waters during Typhoon Hagibis Event. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 618 (012001). ISSN: 1755-1315. DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/618/1/012001.
- Jabbar, I.A., and Ningsih, N.S. (2020). Extreme Wave Height Analysis in Natuna Sea Using Peak-Over Threshold Method. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 618 (012024). ISSN: 1755-1315. DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/618/1/012024.
- Kunarso, Hadi, S., Ningsih, N.S., Baskoro, M.S., Wirasatriya, A., and Kuswardani, A.R.T.D. (2020). The Classification of Upwelling Indicators base on Sea Surface Temperature, Chlorophyll-A and Upwelling Index, The Case Study in Southern Java to Timor Waters. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 530(012020). DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/530/1/012020.
- Rachmayani, R., Prange, M., Schulz, M., and Ningsih, N. S. (2019). Climate Variability in Indonesia from 615 ka to Present: First Insight from Low-Resolution Couple Model Simulations. DIE ERDE – Journal of the Geographical Society of Berlin, 150 (4). 12854/erde-2019-428.
- Ningsih, N. S., Siddiq, N. L., and Tarya, A. (2019). A numerical study of tidal bores. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1245, 012059. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1245/1/012059
- Tarya, A., Sunaringati, L. C., and Ningsih, N. S. (2019). Mangrove density impacts on tidal dynamic in Segara Anakan Lagoon, Indonesia. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1245, DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1245/1/012060
- Kästner, K., Hoitink, A. J. F., Torfs, P. J. J. F., Deleersnijder E., and Ningsih, N. S. (2019). Propagation of tides along a river with a sloping bed. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 872, 39-73. doi:10.1017/jfm.2019.331.
- Rizal, A. M., Ningsih, N. S., Sofian, I., Hanifah, F., Hilmi, I. (2019). Preliminary study of wave energy resource assessment and its seasonal variation along the southern coasts of Java, Bali, and Nusa Tenggara waters. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 11(014502). DOI: 10.1063/1.5034161.
- Kästner, K., Hoitink, A. J. F., Torfs, P. J. J. F., Vermeulen, B., Ningsih, N. S., and Pramulya, M. (2018). Prerequisites for Accurate Monitoring of River Discharge Based on Fixed-Location Velocity Measurements. Water Resources Research. 54(2). DOI: 10.1002/2017WR020990.
- Hidayat, H., Teuling, A. J., Vermeulen, B., Taufik, M., Kastner, K., Geertsema, T. J., Bol, D. C. C., Hoekman, D. H., Haryani, G. S., Van Lanen, H. A. J., Delinom, R. M., DIjksma, R., Anshari, G. Z., Ningsih, N. S., Uijlenhoet, R., and Hoitink, A. J. F. (2017). Hydrology of inland tropical lowlands: The Kapuas and Mahakam wetlands. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 21(5). DOI: 10.5194/hess-21-2579-2017
- Kästner, K., Hoitink, A. J. F., Vermeulen, B., Geertsema, T. J., and Ningsih, N. S. (2017). Distributary Channels in the Fluvial to Tidal Transition Zone. Journal of Geophysical Research, 122(3). doi:10.1002/2016JF004075
- Hanifah, F., and Ningsih, N. S. (2016). The Characteristic of Eddies in the Banda Sea. Advances and Applications in Fluid Mechanics, 19(4). http://dx.doi.org/ 10.17654/FM019040889
- Hanifah, F., Ningsih, N. S., and Sofian, I. (2016). Dynamics of Eddies in the Southeastern Tropical Indian Ocean. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 739, 012042. DOI:10.1088/ 1742-6596/739/1/012042
- Ningsih, N. S., Rakhmaputeri, N., and Harto, A. B. (2013). Upwelling Variability along the Southern Coast of Bali and in Nusa Tenggara Waters. Ocean Science Journal, 48(1): 49-57. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12601-013-0004-3.
- Ningsih, N. S., and Azhar, M. A. (2013). Modelling of hydrodynamic circulation in Benoa Bay, Bali. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol: 18, Issue 2, 203-212, ISSN 0948-4280. DOI 10.1007/s00773-012-0195-9.
- Ningsih, N. S., Hadi, S., Utami, M. D., Rudiawan, A. P. (2011). Modelling of storm tide flooding along the Southern Coast of Java, Indonesia. Advances in Geosciences: Volume 24: Ocean Sciences (OS), pp. 87-104. DOI: 10.1142/8184-vol24
- Ningsih, N. S., Yamashita, T., Aouf, L. (2000). Three-dimensional simulation of water circulation in the Java Sea: Influence of wind waves on surface and bottom stresses. Natural Hazards, 21(2-3), pp. 145-171. ISSN:0921-030XE-ISSN:1573-0840.
- Kushadiwijayanto, A. A., Ningsih, N. S., dan Azhar, M. A. (2019). Analisis Sensitifitas Model Pasang Surut di Laut Indonesia Bagian Timur Menggunakan ROMS_Agrif. Jurnal Fisika Flux, 16(2). DOI: https://doi.org/10.20527/flux.
- Ningsih, N. S., Rachman, A., Hadi, S., dan Hanifah, F. (2019). Dinamika Seas dan Swell dari Laut Cina Selatan ke Teluk Jakarta Studi Kasus Kejadian Badai Hagibis, November 2007. Jurnal Teknik Sipil, 26(1). DOI: 10.5614/jts.2019.26.1.8
- Hanifah, F., dan Ningsih, N. S. (2018). Identifikasi Tinggi dan Jarak Genangan Daerah Rawan Bencana Rob di Wilayah Pantai Utara Jawa yang Disebabkan Gelombang Badai Pasang dan Variasi Antar Tahunan. Jurnal Teknik Sipil, 25(1). DOI: 10.5614/jts.2018.25.1.10
- Ningsih, N. S., Hanifah, F., and Kusmarani, A. M. (2018). Peranan Dinamika Oseanografi dalam Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Perikanan. Journal of Fisheries and Marine Science, 2(2). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21776/ub.jfmr.2018.002.02
- Ningsih, N. S., Kusmarani, A. M., and Hanifah, F. (2019). Kelvin Wave Propagation along the Southern Coasts of Sumatra, Java, and Lesser Sunda Islands Generated by Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) Phase 3. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 339(1). DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/339/1/012029.
- Abdullah, F. A. R, Ningsih, N. S., and Rachmayani, R. (2019). Numerical Simulation of Tidal Bore in Kampar River: A Preliminary Study”. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 339(1). DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/339/1/012022.
- Yulihastin, E., Hadi, T. W., and Ningsih, N. S. (2019). Diurnal Rainfall Propagation Relate to Cold Surge-Cold Tongue Interaction over The Northern Coast of West Java. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 303(2019). DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/303/1/012007.
- Triasdian, B., Indartono, Y. S, Ningsih, N. S., and Novitasari, D. (2019). Device Selection of the Potential Wave Energy Site in Indonesian Seas. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 291(2019). DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/291/1/012040.
- Triasdian, B., Indartono, Y. S., Ningsih, N. S. (2018). Energy capture potential of existing wave energy converters for Indonesian sea. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1984(030002). DOI: 10.1063/1.5046623.
- Nurfitri, S., Ningsih, N. S., Sentanu, A. N., Rachmayani, R. (2018). Numerical modeling of wave-current interaction in Merak Port, Indonesia. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 162(1). DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/162/1/012007.
- Hilmi, I., Ningsih, N. S., Sofian, I., Hanifah, F., Rizal, A. M. (2018). The study of MJO impact on wave height and wind speed in Indonesian Seas. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,162(1). DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/162/1/012004.
- Rachmayani, R., Ningsih, N. S., Adiprabowo, S. R., and Nurfitri, S. (2018). Ocean wave characteristic in the Sunda Strait using Wave Spectrum Model. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 139(1). DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/139/1/012025.
- Rachmayani, R., Ningsih, N. S., Ramadhan, H., and Nurfitri, S. (2018). Analysis of ocean wave characteristic in Western Indonesian Seas using wave spectrum model. MATEC Web of Conferences, 147(05001). DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/201814705001.
- Yulihastin, E., Ningsih, N. S., and Hadi, T. W. (2016). Identification of Changing in Diurnal Pattern of Rainfall in Case of Flooding in Northern Coastal of West Java 2014. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium for Sustainable Humanosphere
- Kästner, K., Hoitink, A. J. F., Vermeulen, B., Hidayat, Sassi, M. G., Pramulya, M., and Ningsih, N. S. (2015). Comparison of Discharge Estimates from a Rating Curve and ADCP Measurements. Proceedings of the 36th IAHR World Congress: Deltas of the Future and What Happens Upstream, Delft, Netherlands, 6671-6677
- Muhammad, F. H., Tarya, A., dan N. S. Ningsih. (2019). Studi Profil Vertikal Kecepatan Arus di Perairan Sekitar Kepulauan Derawan, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kelautan dan Perikanan IV, 126-133
- Tarya, A., Sunaringati, L. C., dan N. S. Ningsih. (2019). Identifikasi Pengaruh Kerapatan Mangrove terhadap Dinamika Pasang Surut di Segara Anakan, Cilacap, Jawa Tengah. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kelautan dan Perikanan IV 2018, 54-64
- Hanifah, F., dan Ningsih, N. S. (2016). Variasi Musiman dan Tren Jangka Panjang (1950-2013) Eksistensi Eddies di Laut Banda. Prosiding Pertemuan Ilmiah Nasional Tahunan (PIT) XIII ISOI 2016, 278-288
- Khoirunnisa, H., Ningsih, N. S., dan Syamsudin, F. (2016). Eksistensi Gelombang Kelvin Antar Tahunan dan Gelombang Rossby Dekadal di Perairan Selatan Jawa. Prosiding Pertemuan Ilmiah Nasional Tahunan (PIT) XIII ISOI 2016, 278-288.
- Kunarso dan N. S. Ningsih. (2014). Memahami Distribusi Temporal Upwelling pada Variabilitas ENSO di Indonesia untuk Memperkirakan Waktu Musim Ikan Tuna Big Eye. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Tahunan ke-4: Hasil-hasil Penelitian Perikanan dan Kelautan, 123-130.
Penulisan Buku
Hibah Penelitian
- Nining Sari Ningsih : Verifikasi dan Validasi Data Satelit untuk Penentuan Lokasi Penagkapan Ikan, 2001.
- Nining Sari Ningsih : Three-dimensional simulation of seasonal Ocean Circulation in Indonesian Waters to Predict Upwelling Regions and Locations of Fishing Ground, 2001-2002.
- Nining Sari Ningsih: Dinamika Oseanografi Kepulauan Riau sebagai Salah satu Upaya Penentuan Zonasi Penambangan Pasir Laut, 2002.
- Nining Sati Ningsih : Studi Proses Sedimentasi dan Dampaknya Terhadap Alur Pelayaran dan Ekosystem Perairan di Sekitar estuari Delta Mahakam, Kalimantan Timur Dengan menggunakan Model Numerik, 2004.
- Nining Sari Ningsih : Studi Internal Wave di Selat Lombok, 2004.
- Mihardja., Ningsih, N.S., M.A. Ratag, I.M. Radjawane., M.S. Fitriyanto, B. Siswanto. A. Setiawan., Idris Mandang., Banuu, Wiwin W., Nineu. Y.G., Ferry S.Y., (2002) : model Distribusi Suhu Permukaan dan Arus Laut Perairan Indonesia untuk Perairan Indoneia untuk Prakiraan El Nino, Laporan Akhir Penelitian RUT VIII.2 Bidang Teknologi Perlindungan Lingkungan Kantor Menristek, DRN
- Mihardja., D.K. Nining, N.S. Mandang., I. : Study on Variability of the Indonesia Troughflow (ITF), 2003.
- D.K. Mihardja, Ivonne M.R., Nining S.N.: Pemodelan numerik sirkulasi arus dan dinamika massa air selat Makassar. ADO Riset FIKTM, 2005
- Totok Suprijo, Nining S. N., Hamzah Latief: Studi energi potensial arus laut untuk pembangkit listrik ramah lingkungan. RU-ITB 2005
- Nining Sari Ningsih, Dr. Eng, Studi Proses Sedimentasi dan Dampaknya Terhadap Alur Pelayaran dan Ekosistem Perairan di Sekitar Estuari Delia Mahakam, Kalimantan Timur dengan Menggunakan Model Numerik, Kementrian Negara Riset Dan Teknologi, 2006
- Nining Sari Ningsih, Dr. Eng, Prediksi Tidal Front untuk Pemetaan Zona Potensi Penangkapan Ikan di Perairan Indonesia dengan Menggunakan Model Numerik, Institut Teknologi Bandung 2006
Kontrak Proyek
Kerjasama / Kolaborasi Ilmiah
- Nining Sari Ningsih, DELFT3D Application on Aceh Tsunami 2004, Kerjasama Riset dan Hibah Perangkat Lunak DELFT3D dari Delft Hydraulic Belanda, 2005-2006
Kegiatan Lain
- Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknoloqi Kebumian. ITB Wakil Dekan Bidang Akademik, FITB – ITB Agustus 2007- sekarang
- Program Studi Oseanografi, Fakultas Ilmu Kebumian dan Teknologi Mineral ITB Ketua Program Studi Oseanografi, ITB Januari 2006 – Agustus 2007
- Universitas Twente, the Netherlands Post Doctoral Researcher at Twente University, the Netherlands Juni2006
- TU Delft, the Netherlands Post Doctoral Researcher at TU Delft, the Netherlands Mei 2006
- Universitas Twente, the Netherlands Post Doctoral Researcher at Twente University, the Netherlands Mei – Juli 2005
- Department Geofisika dan Meteorologi ITB Ketua Departmen Geofisika dan Meteoroloai ITB Oktober 2004 – Desember 2005
- Departmen Geofisika dan Meteorologi ITB Sekretaris Departmen Geofisika dan Meteoroloai ITB Maret 2004 – Oktober 2004
- Program Studi Oseanografi, Fakultas Ilmu Kebumian dan Teknologi Mineral ITB Ketua laboratorium Oseanografi Lingkungan ITB 2003 – 2005
- Program Studi Oseanografi, Fakultas Ilmu Kebumian dan Teknoloai Mineral, ITB Sekretaris Program Studi Oseanografi, Fakultas Ilmu Kebumian dan Teknologi Mineral ITB 2001- 2002
- Disaster Prevention Univ. of Twente, The Netherlands and Bandung Institute of Technologv Doctoral Researcher at Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Japan 1996 – 2000
- Joint Research between Univ. of Twente, The Netherlands and Bandung Institute of Technology A junior researcher in Oceanography, Joint Research between Univ. of Twente, The Netherlands and Bandung Institute of Technlogy (BIT) Oktober 1994 – April 1995
- Program Studi Oseanografi, Fakultas Ilmu Kebumian dan Teknologi Mineral, ITB Dosen Oseanografi Fisis Program Studi Oseanografi, Fakultas Ilmu Kebumian dan Teknologi Mineral, ITB 1991 – sekarang 13 PAU, ITB A junior researcher at Aerodynamic Laboratory, 1989-1991
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