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Lihat Publikasi di Scopus // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index (SINTA)
Pendidikan : Ir. (Teknik Geologi ITB, 1998); MT (Teknik Geologi ITB, 2001); Dr. (Teknik Geologi ITB, 2009)
Publikasi Ilmiah atau Karya Ilmiah
Dauwani, K.N, Lubis, A., Irawan, D.E., 2012, Time Series Direct Run Off Analysis to Control The Upstream Citarum River Catchment, West Java, submitted to International Conference of Indonesian Association of Geologist 2012, Yogyakarta. iagi-abstrak-run-off-01-jan-erwin
Rahayu, R., Irawan, D.E., Lubis, A., Rizal, I., Puradimaja, D.J., dan Rachmi, C.N, 2012, Karakterisasi Hidrogeologi dan Neraca Air Zona Mata Air Utara Gunung Ciremai, Kab. Kuningan, Jawa Barat, submitted to International Conference of Indonesian Association of Geologist 2012, Yogyakarta. iagi-abstrak-neraca-air-ciremai-utara-02-jan-erwin
Arif, R., Budiman, J.S., Lukman, A., Muntaha, Z.I, Irawan, D.E., dan Brahmantyo, B., Infiltration Response of Northern Bandung Area, Jawa Barat, submitted to International Conference of Indonesian Association of Geologist 2012, Yogyakarta. iagi-abstrak-infiltrasi-erwin
International journal
Irawan, D.E., Puradimaja, D.J., Notosiswoyo, S., Soemintadiredja, P., 2009, Hydrogeochemistry of Volcanic Hydrogeology based on Cluster Analysis of Mount Ciremai, West Java, Indonesia, Journal of Hydrology, doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.07.033. pdf-2009-erwin-ciremai-jhydrology
Sumintadireja, P., Saepuloh, A., Irawan, D., Irawan, D.E., and Fadillah, A., 2012, The Application of Remote Sensing and Magneto-Telluric for Geothermal Exploration at Mount Ciremai, Kuningan Regency, West Java, Indonesia, ITB Journal of Sciences (In press). geotherm-ciremai-itbjos-rev-20-feb-erwin
Irawan, D.E., Puradimaja, D.J., Brahmantyo, B., Silaen, H., The Hydrogeology of Ciliwung River Streams, Bogor-Jakarta Segment, Indonesia, submitted to Journal of Hydrology. pdf-2011-erwin-ciliwung-hydroscijour
Irawan, D.E., Silaen, H., Puradimaja, D.J., Nurhandoko, B.E., and Rachmi, C.N., Lake Water And Groundwater Interaction at Ciseupan Lake, Cimahi, Bandung, Indonesia, submitted to Journal of Hydro-environment Research. pdf-erwin-ciseupan-jour of hydro and environment
Irawan, D.E., Puradimaja, D.J., and Silaen, H., 2011, Hydrodynamic Relationship Between Man-Made Lake and Surrounding Aquifers, Ciseupan Lake, Cimahi, West Java, Proceedings of The International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, Bali, 26-28 Oct 2011 makalah-iceee-d-erwin-irawan-dkk
Irawan, D.E., Hukama, I.R., and Dauwani, K.N., 2011, Satellite Image Processing of Bandung Area to Simulate Zero Artificial Run Off, Proceedings of Environmental Technology and Management Conference, ITB, 03-04 November 2011. pres-etmc-erwin_iftitah-karin-02-nov-b
Suseno, W. and Irawan, D.E., 2011, Remote Sensing Application Using NOAA-18 AVHRR Satellite Image for Extracting Agricultural Drought Pattern in Java Island, Proceedings of Environmental Technology and Management Conference, ITB, 03-04 November 2011. pres-etmc-erwin-weling-02-nov
Irawan, D.E., Puradimaja, D.J., and SIlaen, H., 2011, The Hydrodynamic of Ciseupan Man-Made Lake and Surrounding Aquifers, Cimahi, Bandung, Indonesia, will be presented in the 2011 International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) General Assembly, Melbourne 28 June – 07 July 2011. pdf-2011-erwin-ciseupan-iugg2011
Irawan, D.E., Puradimaja, D.J., Notosiswoyo, S., Soemintadiredja, P., 2011, Characterization of Tropical Volcanic Hydrogeology based on Temperature and Electrical Conductivity Analysis: Mount Ciremai, West Java Province, Indonesia, Presented in 2011 European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna Austria, 3-8 April 2011. 2011-pdf-egu-volcanic-hydrogeology-ciremai ; 2011-pdf-egu-ciremai-02apr
Irawan, D.E., Puradimaja, D.J., Notosiswoyo, S., Soemintadiredja, P., 2008, Hydrogeological Model of Stratovolcano using Physical and Chemical Parameters of Groundwater at Mt. Ciremai’s Spring Zone, presented at International Symposium on Efficient Groundwater Resources Management Bangkok Thailand. pdf-2009-erwin-ciremai-thailand-doc
Puradimaja, D.J., Irawan, D.E., Brahmantyo, B., Silaen, H., 2007, Hydrodynamic Relationship between River and Aquifer to Water Quality at Ciliwung River Banks. an Overview of Integrated Water Management, presented at International Symposium and Workshop on Current Problems in Groundwater Management and Related Water Resources Issues, 2-8 December 2007. pdf-2007-erwin-ciliwung-bali
Irawan, D.E., Silaen, H., Puradimaja, D.J., 2006, Hydrogeological Boundaries of Spring Belt at Strato Volcano. Case study: Gunung Ciremai, Gunung Gede – West Java and Gunung Karang-Pulasari – Banten, Indonesia, Conference of Volcano International Gathering.
Puradimaja, D.J., Hendri Silaen, Irawan, D.E., 2003, New Hydrogeological Determination of Normal and Hot Spring Complex at Ciwaringin – G. Kromong – Pesawahan, North of Ciremai Volcano, West Java, Indonesia, International Conference on Mineral and Energy Resources Management 2003, 28 – 31 July 2003, Yogyakarta. pdf-2003-erwin-palimanan-jogja
Irawan, D.E. & Puradimaja, D.J., 2002, Geological Mapping and Groundwater Characterization an Approach to Spring Recharge Area Conservation, International Conference on Urban Hydrology for the 21st Century, 14-18 October 2002, Kuala Lumpur. pdf-2002-erwin-ciremai-malaysia
Setiawan, T., Puradimaja, DJ., Brahmantyo, B., and Irawan, DE., 2008, Interpretasi Sistem Hidrogeologi Kars Berdasarkan Analisis Kelurusan Morfologi (Studi kasus kawasan kars Cijulang, Kab. Ciamis, Jawa Barat), Jurnal Geoaplika, Vol 3, No. 1. pdf-2008-erwin-cijulang-jgeoaplika
Iman, MI. and Irawan, DE., 2008, Identifikasi Sumber dan Pola Aliran Endapan Gunung Api untuk Penafsiran Sistem Hidrogeologi di Daerah Cikalong Wetan dan Sekitarnya, Kab. Bandung, Jawa Barat, Jurnal Geoaplika, Vol 3, No. 1. pdf-2008-erwin-cikalong-jgeoaplika
Irawan, D.E., Puradimaja, D.J., 2006, The Differentiation of Hyperthermal Groundwater Origin by using Multivariate Statistics On Water Chemistry, Jurnal Geoaplika, Vol 1, No 2, 2006. pdf-2006-erwin-hydrochem-jgeoaplika
Sanny, T.A., Puradimaja, D.J., Irawan, D.E., Hutasoit, L.M., Notosiswoyo, S., 2005, Aquifer Model and System Imaging by Using 2-D and 3-D Resistivity Inversion Technology: Case Study of Tangerang Area, Jurnal Teknologi Mineral, Vol XII, No. 2, 2005, pp 106-113. pdf-2005-erwin-tangerang-jtm
Puradimaja, D.J., Hutasoit, L.M., Silaen, H., Irawan, D.E., 2005, The Origin of Hyperthermal Groundwater in Fractured Limestone Aquifer, Parigi Formation in Palimanan, West Java, based on Its Water Chemistry and Isotopic Composition, Jurnal Teknologi Mineral, Vol XII, No. 1, 2005, pp 59-68. pdf-2005-erwin-palimanan-jtm
Puradimaja, D.J., Dian Budidharma, Irawan, D.E., 2004, Komang Anggayana, Water Flow Interpretation at Aneuk Laot Lake- Zweembat Spring Complex based on Stable Isotope Tracer (Deuterium and Oxygen-18), Sabang Regency, D.I.- Nangro Aceh Darussalam, Jurnal Teknologi Mineral Vol XI, No. 2/2004, pp: 88-101. pdf-2004-erwin-sabang-jtm
Puradimaja, DJ., Wikantika, K., Irawan, DE., 2004, Groundwater Management based on Real Time Spatial Monitoring, Case Study: Tangerang Regency, International Workshop on Earth Science and Technology, Kyushu University, Japan.
Irawan, D.E., Puradimaja, D.J., Hutasoit, L.M., 2003, Geological Control to Spring Emergence. Case Study: East Slope of Mt. Ciremai, Buletin Geologi, Vol 35 No 1, pp: 15 – 23. pdf-2003-erwin-ciremai-bulgeologi
Irawan, D.E., Puradimaja, D.J., Yuwono, S., dan Syaifullah, T.A., 2000, Geological Mapping of Volcanic Deposit for Volcanic Aquifer System Identification. Case Study: Pasir Jambu-Situwangi Soreang, Bandung Regency, West Java, Buletin Geologi, Vol 3.
Taat Setiawan, Budi Brahmantyo, Puradimaja, D.J., Irawan, D.E., 2008, Fracture System Interpretation based on Lineament Analysis on SRTM Image, Cijulang Area, South Ciamis, Proceeding IAGI ke-37.
Irawan, D.E., Puradimaja, D.J., Notosiswoyo, S., 2007, Outlining Hydrogeological System using Multivariate Analysis on Groundwater Quality at Mt. Ciremai, West Java, Indonesia, presented at Joint Convention Bali Indonesian Association of Geologist and Indonesia Petroleum Association, 13-16 November 2007. pdf-2007-erwin-ciremai-bali
Puradimaja, D.J., Kombaitan, B., Irawan, D.E., 2006, Hydrogeological Analysis in Regional Planning of Tigaraksa City, Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia, presented at Persidangan Bersama Geosains, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Des 2006. pdf-2006-erwin-tangerang-ukm
Irawan, D.E., Puradimaja, D.J., Bogaard, T., 2006, Spatial Analysis of Volcanic Hydrogeology at Gunung Ciremai, West Java, Indonesia, presented at Persidangan Bersama Geosains, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Des 2006.
Puradimaja, D.J., Soekarno, I., Abidin, Z., Irawan, D.E., 2002, Clean Water Business Development in West Java, Proceeding of Seminar of Clean Water Usage and Management to Increase Healthness in West Java, West Hall. pdf-2002-erwin-clean-water-km
Irawan, D.E., Lubis, R.F., 2002, Various Methods in Determining of Volcanic Spring Recharge Area, Proceeding PIT IAGI XXXI, Surabaya.
Irawan, D.E., Deny Juanda P, Abdurachman, O., 2002, High Concentration of Ultrabasic Rock Trace Elements. An example of Groundwater – Rock Interaction Case Study : Malili District, South Sulawesi, Proceeding PIT IAGI XXXI, 1-2 Oktober 2002, Surabaya.
Irawan, D.E., Lubis, R.F., 2002, A Natural Groundwater Contamination. Case Study: Ultrabasic Rocks Region at Malili District, South Sulawesi, Indonesia, Dipresentasikan dalam Kegiatan Computer Aided Workshop on Groundwater Contamination, 22-30 January 2002, Bandung.
Puradimaja, D.J., Irawan, D.E., 2002, Clean Water Business Development in Mid Sulawesi, Proceeding of 25 Years of Geological Education in Hasanudin University. pdf-2002-erwin-water-business-unhas
Irawan, D.E., Syaifullah, T.A., Puradimaja, D.J., 2001 Volcanic Aquifer Characterization and Groundwater Flow Study. Case Study: Volcanic Region with Six Strato eruption Centers in Pasir Jambu – Situwangi, Soreang – Bandung (West Java), Proceeding PIT IAGI XXX, 10-12 September 2001, Yogyakarta.
Irawan, D.E., Hendri S., Lubis, R.F., Abdurachman, O., 2000 Physical and Chemical Characteristic of Some Hot Spring (Volcanic and Non-Volcanic), Proceeding PIT IAGI XXIX, 21-22 Nopember 2000, Bandung.
Irawan, D.E., 2011, Remote Sensing Analysis for Groundwater Prospecting, Warta Bappeda.
Penulisan Buku
- Puradimaja, DJ. and Irawan, DE., 2010, Why we have to compete, in Natsir, I., A Glimpse of A Competitive Grant Mechanism for West Java Government, West Java Government Press.
- Irawan, DE., 2009, The Hydrogeology of Bandung Basin, in Brahmantyo, B., The Geology of Bandung Basin, in press, ITB Press.
- Puradimaja, DJ., Lubis, RF., Irawan, DE., 2008, Hydrogeological Mapping, 2 vol, self publishing.
- Puradimaja, DJ. and Irawan, DE., 2007, The Hydrogeology of Indonesia, self publishing.
Hibah Penelitian
Tahun | Project | Role | Funding |
2012 | Multiple Technique Observation of Groundwater Springs Hydrology, Northern Bandung Area, Indonesia. | Hydrogeologist (Team Leader) | ITB research grant |
2011 | Identification of Groundwater Potential and Conservation Zone of Tangerang | Hydrogeologist (Team Leader) | Public Works Office of Tangerang |
The Hydrostratigraphy of Bandung Basin | Hydrogeologist (Team Leader) | ITB Competitive Research Grant | |
The Morphometry of Northern Bandung Area | Hydrogeologist | ITB Competitive Research Grant | |
Hydrogeology in CBM Field, Muara Enim | Hydrogeologist | Pertamina | |
2010-2011 | Stratigraphical Correlation of Halang Formation based on High Resolution Biostratigraphy and Hydrocarbon Potential, Banyumas Area, Mid Java. | Geologist | ITB Competitive Research Grant |
2009 | Application of Hydrohemical Tracer Technology to Reconstruct Groundwater Hydrodynamics in Volcanic Aquifer System of Mt. Ciremai. | Hydrogeochemist | ITB Competitive Research Grant |
2008 | Fracture Mapping on Karst Area of Cijulang, South Ciamis West Java. | Hydrogeochemist | ITB Competitive Research Grant |
Application of Hydrochemical Tracer Technology to Reconstruct Groundwater Hydrodynamics in Volcanic Aquifer System of Mt. Ciremai. | Hydrogeochemist | ITB Competitive Research Grant | |
2007 | Hydrodynamic Relation of River Water and Groundwater at Cisadane River Banks. | Groundwater flow analyst | Indonesia Higher Education Competitive Research Grant |
2006 | Characterization Volcanic Hydrogeology. Case Study: Mt. Ciremai, Mt. Tangkuban Perahu, Mt. Gede, Mt. Karang. | Hydrogeochemist | ITB Competitive Research Grant |
Characterization Volcanic Hydrogeology. Case Study: Mt. Ciremai, Mt. Tangkuban Perahu, Mt. Gede, Mt. Karang. | Hydrogeochemist | Indonesia Higher Education Competitive Research Grant | |
Hydrodynamic Relation of River Water and Groundwater at Cisadane River Banks. | Groundwater flow analyst | Indonesia Higher Education Competitive Research Grant | |
Hydrogeological Characterization of Fractured Limestone Aquifer, Padalarang Area. | Hydrogeologist | Laboratory of Hydrogeology | |
2005 | Characterization Volcanic Hydrogeology. Case Study: Mt. Ciremai, Mt. Tangkuban Perahu, Mt. Gede, Mt. Karang. | Hydrogeochemist | ITB Competitive Research Grant |
2003-2004 | Mapping of Limestone Hydrogeological System of Padalarang Area | Hydrogeologist | ITB Competitive Research Grant |
- 2007-now Full Time Lecturer/Researcher, Research Division on Applied Geology, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, ITB
- 2005-2007 Academic Assistant, Research Division on Applied Geology, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Mineral Technology, ITB
- 2001-2008 Lecturer, Department of Geology, Institut Teknologi dan Sains Bandung (ITSB)
- 1998-2005 Research assistant, Laboratory of Hydrogeology, Depatment of Geology, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Mineral Technology, ITB
- 2010-now Coordinator for undergraduate thesis seminar, Department of Geology, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, ITB.
- 2007-2010 General affairs coordinator, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, ITB.
- 2010 Member of Accreditation Team, Department of Groundwater Engineering, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, ITB.
- 2009 Member of Accreditation Team, Department of Geology (Undergraduate Program), Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, ITB.
- 2009 Member of Accreditation Team, Department of Geology (Master Program), Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, ITB.
- 2007 Member of Curriculum Team, Department of Groundwater Engineering, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Mineral Technology, ITB.
- 2006 Member of Initiator Team, Department of Groundwater Engineering, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Mineral Technology, ITB.
- 2005-now Students Recruitment Committee, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, ITB.
- 2005-now Member of Board of Reviewers for Competitive Grant, organized by the Government of West Java Province, Team leader: Dr. Ichary Sukirno
- 2003-2005 Project coordinator, Vice Rector Office for Resources, ITB.
- 2002-2003 Project coordinator, The Foundation for Research and Industry Affiliation, ITB.
- 2000-2004 Project coordinator, Board of Reviewers, Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education.
- Invited resource person, Regional Development based on Environmental Support Meeting, Office for Public Works, Tangerang, West Java.
- Invited resource person, Geothermal Development in West Java, Board of Regional Planning and Development.
- Invited speaker, One Day Workshop: Managing Conservation Area of Mt. Ciremai, Office for Mining and Energy, Kuningan Regency, West Java.
- Invited speaker, One Day Workshop: Managing Conservation Area of Mt. Ciremai, Office for Mining and Energy, Kuningan Regency, West Java.
- Invited speaker, Two Days Workshop: Groundwater Exploration, Office for Public Works, Pandeglang Regency, Banten.
- Visiting researcher at Center for Environmental Remote Sensing (CEReS), Chiba University, Jepang (Nov-Dec).
- Invited speaker, One Day Workshop: Earth Resources and Environmental Management, Office for Energy and Mineral Resources, East Java.
- Invited speaker, One Day Workshop: Groundwater Vulnerability: Case Study Jakarta, Office for Energy and Mineral Resources, Jakarta.
- 2008-now Reviewer, Indonesian Geology Journal, Publisher: Indonesian Geological Survey
- 2008-now Reviewer, Journal Ristek, Publisher: Geotechnology Division of Indonesian Science Foundation (LIPI)
- 2008-now Reviewer, Indonesian Geology Magazine, Publisher: Indonesian Association of Geologist
- 2005-now Editorial Board, Journal Geoaplika, Publisher: Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, ITB
Kerjasama / Kolaborasi Ilmiah
- Belanda : T.U. Delft, Assoc.Prof. Thom Bogaard
- Inggris : University of Birmingham, Dr. Mark Cuthbert
- Jepang : Center for Environmental Remote Sensing (CERES) Chiba University, Assoc.Prof. J.Tetuko Sri Sumantyo, Kumamoto University: Assoc.Prof. Takahiro Hosono
- Australia : Sydney University, Assoc.Prof. Gavin Birch
Kegiatan Lain
- BMW Car Club of Indonesia Chapter Bandung (BMWCCI Bandung)
- Indonesian Deutchland Car Community
- Peugeot Club Bandung (PCB)
- Paguyuban Penggemar Mobil Eropa Amerika Australia (PAMOEA Bandung)
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