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Tingkatkan Kapasitas SDM Indonesia, Kemenko Marves dan OceanX Gelar University Lecture Tours 2023

  Kementerian Koordinator Kemaritiman dan Investasi (Kemenko Marves) Indonesia menyelenggarakan University Lectures Tours “Marine Research Technology to Support Science-Based Policy and Research Literacy (ULT)”, di Aula Timur, ITB Kampus Ganesha, Sabtu (23/09/2023). Acara terselenggara atas kerja sama University of Bergen Ocean X, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN), dan Program Studi Oseanografi, Institut Teknologi Bandung […]

Dean of Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology (FEST) Explores Academic Collaboration With Pukyong National University (PKNU) a Vision for Future Partnership

Dean of Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology (FEST) Explores Academic Collaboration With Pukyong National University (PKNU) a Vision for Future Partnership

[FITB COLLABORATION] On Monday (18/9/2023), the Dean of the Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology and team continued their journey of academic collaboration as they paid a visit to Korea Maritime & Ocean University (KMOU). Their arrival at Korea Maritime & Ocean University (KMOU) was greeted with a warm reception, led by Prof. Kim YoungHo […]

Collaboration The Partnership Takes Shape At PNU The Dean of the Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology (FEST) Signed an MoA With Pusan National University (PNU) University (PNU).

Collaboration The Partnership Takes Shape At PNU The Dean of the Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology (FEST) Signed an MoA With Pusan National University (PNU) University (PNU).

[FEST COLLABORATION] In a collaborative effort to deepen and foster collaborative research initiatives and strengthen academic ties, the Dean of the Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology (FEST) conducted a visit to Pusan National University (PNU). The primary highlight of the day was the signing of a memorandum of agreement (MOA) between the FEST and […]

Fest Collaboration Innovation at sea ITB and dong-A University Unite For Safe Ocean Smart Cities

Fest Collaboration Innovation at sea ITB and dong-A University Unite For Safe Ocean Smart Cities

[FEST COLLABORATION] On Wednesday (20/8/2023) Dean of the Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology (FEST) @irwan.meilano signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the Education and Research Center for ICT Integrated Safe Ocean Smart Cities (Brain Korea 21 Fostering Outstanding Universities For Research) in Dong-A University The signing ceremony was also attended by civitas akademika […]

Exploring New Horizons at Korea Maritime & Ocean University (KMOU)

Exploring New Horizons at Korea Maritime & Ocean University (KMOU)

In a collaborative effort to deepen and foster collaborative research initiatives and strengthen academic ties, the Dean of the Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology (FEST) @irwan.meilano conducted a visit to Korea Maritime & Ocean University (KMOU). The Dean and team were warmly welcomed by Professor Jinsoon Park, the Director of the Research Institute of […]

Serah Terima Kunci Ruangan Himpunan Mahasiswa S1 Teknik Geologi

Serah Terima Kunci Ruangan Himpunan Mahasiswa S1 Teknik Geologi

Pada Jumat (15/9/2023) telah dilakukan serah terima kunci Ruangan Himpunan baru untuk Himpunan Mahasiswa S1 Teknik Geologi. Kehadiran Dekanat, Ketua Program Studi S1 Teknik Geologi ( @saepuloh20917 ), dan Koordinator Tahap Persiapan Bersama ( @ver1t8 ) disambut hangat oleh mahasiswa teknik geologi ( @suaragea ). Secara resmi, sambutan disampaikan oleh Prof. Irwan Meilano, M.Sc. sebagai […]

Kerjasama FITB dengan Pusat Air Tanah dan Geologi Tata Lingkungan

Kerjasama FITB dengan Pusat Air Tanah dan Geologi Tata Lingkungan

[FITB Kolaborasi] Kamis (14/6/2023) Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian (FITB) mengadakan kerjasama dengan Pusat Air Tanah dan Geologi Tata Lingkungan dalam bidang penyelidikan bidang air tanah Kerjasama ini diresmikan dalam seremonial penandatanganan di Ruang Rapat AF Lasut III lt.2, Pusat Air Tanah dan Geologi Tata Lingkungan dan dihadiri oleh Prof. Agus M. Ramdhan, Ph.D., Dr. […]



  Dengan rasa bangga, Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian (FITB) mengucapkan selamat untuk Bapak dan Ibu 1.Dr. I Gusti Bagus Eddy Sucipta, S.T., M.T. 2. Dr.Eng. Hamzah Latief, M.Si. @hamzah.latief 3. Dr. Dwiharso Nugroho, S.T., M.T. 4. Dr.Ir. Vera Sadarviana, M.T. 5. Faizal Ade Rahmahuddin Abdullah, S.Si., M.Si. atas golongan baru dan jabatan yang diemban. […]
