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Unit   : Geologi
Bidang   : Aplikasi Geologi
Status Pegawai   : PNS

Pendidkan : Ir. (ITB, 1987); Magister Teknik (ITB, 1994); Doktor (Kyoto University Jepang, 1999)

Publikasi Ilmiah atau Karya Ilmiah

  1. The history of paleoanthropological research in Indonesia. The New York Consortium in Evolution Primatology (NYCEP) Colloquium, New York University, US, March 31, 2005.
  2. Johan Arif, Hisao Baba & Yousuke Kaifu. 2005. The Skull IX (Tjg-1993.05) as one of the variant examples of Asian Homo erectus from Indonesia. The Paleoanthropology Society Seminar at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US, April 5-6, 2005.
  3. Majid, Zuraina, Aaron Lim, Johan Arif, A.R.Samsuddin, Nizam A., Zafarina Z. and Norazmi M.N., 2005, Niah 1977: A skeleton with bilateral absent radius. In: The Perak man & other prehistoric skeletons of Malaysia, (ed. Zuraina Majid), University of Science Malaysia Press
  4. Majid, Zuraina, Johan Arif , A.R.Samsuddin, Nizam A., Aaron Lim, Mokhtar Saidin, Jeffrey Abdullah & Stephen Chia., 2005, GTK 1: A skeleton from Gua Teluk Kelelawar, Lenggong, dated 8,400 + 40 bp. In: The Perak man & other prehistoric skeletons of Malaysia, (ed. Zuraina Majid), University of Science Malaysia Press.
  5. Chia, Stephen, Johan Arif & Hirofumi Matsumura, 2005, Dental characteristic of prehistoric human from Melanta Tutup, Sabah. In: The Perak man & other prehistoric skeletons of Malaysia, (ed. Zuraina Majid), University of Science Malaysia Press.
  6. Johan Arif , 2004, Kapankah Manusia Pawon menjelajah Cekungan Bandung? In: Amanat Gua Pawon, (ed. Budi Brahmantyo & T.Bachtiar), Kelompok Riset Cekungan Bandung.
  7. Kaifu, Y., Hisao Baba, Fachroel Aziz, Friedemann Schrenk, Teuku Jacob, Etty Indriati & Johan Arif, 2003, Primitive dento-gnathic morphology of Javanese Homo erectusAmerican Journal of Physical Anthropology, Supplement 36, pp.125.

Penulisan Buku

Hibah Penelitian

  1. Johan Arif, Dr. Ir. Interaksi Manusia dan Lingkungan di Kawasan Danau (Purba) Bandung Ditinjau dari Aspek Budaya Ritual dan Teknologi Suatu Rekonstruksi Kehidupan Jaman Prasejarah. Direktorat P3M Dirjen Dikti DEPDIKNAS. 2006.

Kontrak Proyek

Kerjasama / Kolaborasi Ilmiah

Kegiatan Lain

  1. Johan Arif. 2005. The history of paleoanthropological research in Indonesia.The New York Consortium in Evolution Primatology (NYCEP) Colloquium, New York University, US, March 31, 2005.
  2. Johan Arif, Hisao Baba & Yousuke Kaifu. 2005. The Skull IX (Tjg-1993.05) as one of the variant examples of Asian Homo erectus from Indonesia. The Paleoanthropology Society Seminar at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US, April 5-6, 2005.

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