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Lihat Publikasi di Scopus // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index (SINTA)
Pendidikan : S1 Jurusan Teknik Geodesi ITB (1985); S2 Departement of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering University of New Brunswick Canada (1989); S3 University of Brunswick Canada (1992
Makalah Ilmiah : International Journal
Abidin, H. Z., R. Djaja, D. Darmawan, S. Hadi, A. Akbar, H. Rajiyowiryono, Y. Sudibyo, I. Meilano, M. A. Kusuma, J. Kahar, C. Subarya (2001). “Land Subsidence of Jakarta (Indonesia) and its Geodetic-Based Monitoring System.” Natural Hazards. Journal of the International Society of the Preventation and Mitigation of Natural Hazards, Vol. 23, No. 213, March, pp. 365 – 387.
Janssen, V., Roberts, C., Rizos, C., Abidin, H.Z. (2001). “Experiences with a Mixed- Mode GPS-Based Volcano Monitoring System at Mt. Papandayan, Indonesia”, Geomatics Research Australasia, No. 74, June, PD. 43 – 58. J
Janssen, V., C. Roberts, C. Rizos and H.Z. Abidin (2002): Low-Cost GPS-Based Volcano Deformation Monitoring at Mt. Papandayan, Indonesia, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research,115(1-2), 139-151.
Vigny, c., H. Perfettini, A. Walpersdorf, A. Lemoine, W. Simons, D. van Loon, B. Ambrosius, C. Stevens, R. McCaffrey, P. Morgan, Y. Bock, C. Subarya, P. Manurung, J. Kahar, H.Z. Abidin and S.H. Abud 2002). “Migration of seismicity and earthquake interactions monitored by GPS in SE Asia triple junction: Sulawesi, Indonesia”. Journal of Geo-physical Research, Vol. 107, No. B10, ErG 7-1 to 7-11.
Abidin, H.Z., R. Djaja, H. Andreas, M. Gamal, Indonesia K. Hirose, Y. Maruyama (2004). “Capabilities and Constraints of Geodetic Techniques for Monitoring land Subsidence in the Urban Areas of Indonesia”. Geomatics Research Australia. No. 81, December, pp. 4.5-58.
Abidin, H.Z., H. Andreas, M. Gamal, M. Hendrasto, Ony K. Suganda, M.A. Purbawinata, Irwan Meilano, and F. Kimata (2004). “The Deformation of Bromo Volcano as Detected by GPS Surveys Method”. Journal of Global Positioninj Systems, Vol.3, No. 1-2, pp.16•24.
Makalah IImiah : National Journal
Abidin, H.Z., I. Mudita, and Susilo (2001) ‘The Use of GPS for Monitoring the Temporal Variations of Sea Level.” Satellite Communications Letter, The Journal of the Indonesian Satellite Association, Vol. I, No.1, March, pp, 28 – 33.
Yulaikhah, H.Z. Abidin, and D. Murdohardono (2001) “Model Perkiraan Penurunan Muka Tanah Witayah DKI Jakarta.” Majalah Geologi Indonesia, , ISSN ; 0216- 1061, Vol. 16, No.1, April, pp. 55-72.
Rajiyowiryono, H., R. Djaja, H.Z. Abidin, S. Hadipurwo and D. Murdohardono (2001) Penurunan Tanah Jakarta.” Majalah Geologi Indonesia, , ISSN : 0216-1061, Vol. 16, No.2, Agustus, pp. 103 -115.
Abidin, H.Z., D. Darmawan, M. A. Kusuma, M. Hendrasto, O.K. Suganda, M. Gamal, F. Kimata, C. Rizos (2001) ” Studi Deformasi Gunung Kelut Dengan Metode Survei GPS.” Surveying &; Geodesi, Jurnalllmiah Jurusan Teknik Geodesi ITB, ISSN : 0852-0569, Vol. XI, No.2, Mei, pp, 11 – 18.
Darmawan,D., Hasanuddin Z. Abidin, F. Kimata, Mipi A. Kusuma, M. Hendrasto, ani K.Suganda (2001) ” Deformation Of Batur Volcano Inferred From GF>S Measurements:’ Surveying &; Geodesi, Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Teknik Geodesi ITB, ISSN : 0852-0569, Vol. XI, No.2, Mei, pp. 19• 24
Makalah Ilmiah : International Presented Paper
Hirose, K., Y. Maruyama, D. Murdohardono, A. Effendi, H.Z. Abidin (2001) ..Land subsidence. .detection usingJ ERS 1 SAR Interferometry. ” Surveying Geodesi, Jurnalllmiah Jurusan Teknik Geodesi ITS, ISSN : 0852-0569, Vol. XI, No.3, September, pp. 9 16.
Kuntjoro, W., J. Kahar, H.Z. Abidin (2002) “GPS satellites wave propagation : analyzing the influence of water vapor at ITB campus” Proceedings ITB, Jurnal llmiah ITB, Vol. 34, No.1, Suplernen, ISSN 0125 9350, pp. 143.152.
Abidin, H.Z. (2002). “Penyekalaan Matriks Variansi-Kovariansi Vektor Baseline Pada Perataan Jaring GPS.” Jurnal Jtenas, Jurnal tlmu Pengetahuan, Teknologi, dan Sent, Institut Teknologi Nasional (ITENAS), Bandung, ISSN : 1410-3125, No.1, Vol. 6, Maret Mei, pp. 15-23.
Abidin, H.Z., M. Hendrasto, H. Andreas, D. Darmawan, M.A. Kusuma, M. Gamal, O.K. Suganda, I. Kusnadi, dan A. D. Wirakusumah (2002). ” Studi Deformasi Gunung api Batur Dengan Metode Survei GPS “. Surveying &. Geodesi, Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Teknik Geodesi ITB, ISSN 0852-0569, Vol. XII, No.3, September, pp. 1 – 10.
Abidin, H.Z., H. Andreas dan M. Gamal (200). “Mekanisme Pengadaan Titik Tetap Pada Survei GPS:’ Geomatika, Majalah Ilmiah BAKOSURTANAL, Vol. 8, No.1, Agustus, pp. 1 11.
Abidin, H.Z., R.Djaja, H. Andreas, M. Gamal, D. Murdohardono, H. Rajiyowiryono (2003) “Penurunan Tanah di Cekungan Bandung Pada Peri ode (2000 – 2002) Hasil Estimasi Metode Survei GPS.” Jurnal Teknologi Mineral (JTM) , Jurnal Fakultas Teknologi Mineral- ITB, JSSN : 0854-8528, Vol. X, No.2, pp. 97-110.
Abidin, H.Z. (2003). “Optimalisasi Manfaat Teknologi GPS Dalam Bidang Kelautan di Indonesia.” Jurnal Itenas, Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan, Teknologi, dan sent, Institut Teknologi Nasional (ITENAS), Bandung, ISSN : 1410-3125, No.1, Vol. 7, Maret-Mei, pp. 35-45.
Abidin, H.Z., H. Andreas, M. Gamal, Surono, M. Hendrasto (2004) “Studi Gerakan Tanah di Kawasan Rawan longsor Citoto (Jawa Barat) Dengan Survei GPS.” Jurnal Teknologi Mineral (JTM), Jurnal Fakultas Teknologi Mineral – ITB, ISSN : 0854-8528, Vol. XI, No.1, pp. 33-40.
Abidin, H.Z., H. Andreas, D. Maulana, M. Hendrasto, M. Gamal, O. K. Suganda (2004). “Penentuan Tinggi Orthometrik Gunung Semeru Berdasarkan Data Survei GPS dan Model Geoid EGM 1996”. Proceedings ITB Sains a Tek. Vol. 36 A, No.2, 2004, PP. 145-157
Abidin, H.Z., H. Andreas, M. Gamal, Surono, M. Hendrasto (2004). “Studying Landslide Dicplacements in Megamendung (Indonesia) Using GPS Survey Method”. Proceedings ITB Engineering Science Vol. 36 B, No.2, 2004, pp. 109-123.
Makalah IImiah : International Proceedings
Makalah IImiah : International Proceedings
Penulisan Buku
Abidin, H.Z. (2001) Geodes; Satelit. P.T. Pradnya Paramita, Jakarta. In press. Abidin, H.Z., A. Jones, J. Kahar (2002). Survei Dengan GPS. P.T. Pradnya Paramita, Jakarta. ISBN 979-408-380-1. second Edition. 280 pp.
Abidin, H.Z. (2001). “Fundamentals of GPS signal and data”, Chapter 8 of Manual of Geospa-tial Science and Technology, edited by J.D. Bossler, J.R. Jensen, R.B. McMaster, and C. Rizos, Taylor 8: Francis, London,ISBN 0-7484-0924-6, 623 pp.
Hibah Penelitian
- Hasanuddin Z. Abidin1, Ony Kusuma S., Vera Sadarviana Studi Gerakan Tanah di Kawasan Rawan Longsor Ciloto Dengan Metode Survei GPS.
- Dina Anggreni Sarsito1, Hasanuddin Z. Abidin, Dudy Darmawan, Studi Deformasi Gunungapi Papandayan Dengan Metode Survei GPS dan Korelasinya Dengan Karakteristik Seismisitas 2005.
- Hasanuddin Z. Abidin1, Studi Karakteritik Penurunan Tanah di Wilayah Jakarta Dengan Metode Survei GPS dan Korelasinya Dengan Karakteristik Hidrogeologis dan Tata Guna Lahan 2005.
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