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Lihat Publikasi di Scopus // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index (SINTA)
Pendidikan : Ir. (ITB, 1983); Magister (Universite De Nice , Prancis, 1990); Doktor (Univ. de Savoie Perancis, 1994)\
Publikasi Karya Ilmiah
No. | Title | Journal/Seminar |
1. | Cenozoic Fault System along Cimandiri fault zone, West Java, Indonesia | Proceeding International conference on Geodynamics Yogyakarta, 1991. |
2. | Stress along the Cimandiri fault zone, West Java, &nsbp;Indonesia | Proc. of European Geological Union Congres (EUG), Strasbourg, 1993. |
3. | Stress and fault system along the Cimandiri fault zone, West Java, Indonesia | Journal of South East Asian Geosiences London-Kuala Lumpur, 1994. |
4. | Karakteristik Satuan Melange dan Olistostrom di daerah Karangsambung, Jawa Tengah, Suatu Tinjauan. | Prosiding Seminar sehari, teknologi dalam Industri, Bandung, 1995. |
5. | Karakteristik struktur Melange Karangsambung di daerah Lok Ulo, Kebumen. Jawa Tengah. | Prosiding Seminar Sehari, Geoteknologi, Bandung, 1996. |
6. | Deformasi pada Formasi Karangsambung di daerah Lok Ulo, Kebumen, Jawa Tengah. | Bulletin Geologi v.26, no1, 1996 Bandung, 1996. |
7. | Magmatism in western Indonesia, the trapping of the Sumba Block and the gateway to east of Sundaland. | Journal of South East Asia vol. 16 no.1 p. 1-12, 1998. |
8. | Magmatism and related geodynamic evolution of Kalimantan | Presented at Tectonic stratigraphy and Petroleum system of Borneo Bandar Sri Begawan, 1997. |
9. | Evolusi Cekungan Paleogen di daerah Ciletuh Jawa Barat Selatan. | Bulletin Geologi v.27 no1/3, 1997. |
10. | Cenozoic magmatism in Kalimantan and it’s related geodynamic evolution. | Journal of Asian Earth Sciences no.17 , 1999. |
11. | Aplikasi « Forward Computer Modeling » dalam Kajian Geologi Daerah Jatiluhur Jawa Barat. | Jurnal Teknologi Mineral ITB v.I, NoVI/1999. |
12. | Sumatran Megashear; Their crucial role in Tertiary sedimentary basin development. | Proceeding of Tectonic and Sedimentation of Indonesia, FOSI Seminar, 1999. |
13. | Fasies batuan karbonat di lapangan Kedung Tuban Jawa Timur. | Pertemuan Tahunan Ikatan Ahli Geologi 2001. |
14. | Seismic Multi Attribute analysis for reservoir characterization of Minas Field Central Sumatra Basin. | IPA annual meeting. |
15. | Biogenic gas in Indonesia: case study in Northeast Java basin and prediction its occurence. | AAAPG 6th International Conference on Petroleum geochemistry and Exploration in the Afro Asian Region 12-14 october 2004, Beijing. |
16. | Mangrove shoreline responcses to Holocene enviromental change, Makassar strait Indonesia. | Review of Paleobotany and Palynology, no 131, 2004, page 251-268, Elsevier. |
17. | Holocene Pollen record of vegetation and coastal environmental changes in the coastal. | Journal of Asian Eath Sciences, 25, 2005 page 1-8. |
18. | Holocene Pollen record of vegetation and coastal environmental changes in the coastal swamp forest at Batulicin South Kalimantan Indonesia. | IPA annual meeting 2005, Jakarta Indonesia. |
19. | Synrift Deep Petroleum Play analog in Ombilin Basin West Sumatra Indonesia. | Poster presentation, AAPG annual meeting 2005, Paris, France. |
20. | Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of Simanggaris Block Tarakan Basin East Kalimantan Indonesia. | The Island Arc Journal, 2005, no 14, p 679-686. |
21. | Distribution of Early Tertiary volcanic rocks in south Sumatra and West java Indonesia. | Proceeding of the Annual convention Indonesian Petroleum Association 2005. |
22. | Petroleum Geochemistry in a Sequence Stratigraphic framework in the Simanggaris Block, Tarakan Basin, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. | Proceeding of the Annual convention Indonesian Petroleum Association 2005. |
23. | Rift Play in Ombilin Basin Out Crop, West Sumatra. | Proceeding of the Annual convention Indonesian Petroleum Association 2005, Jakarta. |
24. | Paleogene basin under Kendeng zone, and it’s hydrocarbon prospectivity. | Proceeding of the Annual convention Indonesian Petroleum Association 2006, Jakarta. |
25. | Hydrocarbon prospectivity Majalengka- Bumiayu transpression zone, West Java Indonesia. | Oral Presentation, AAPG annual meeting 2006, Perth, Australia. |
26. | Hydrocarbon prospectivity of Kendeng zone East Java Indonesia. | Poster presentation, AAPG annual meeting 2006, Perth, Australia. |
27. | Paleogene Source rocks in the South Makassar Basin. | 24th Water and Rocks interaction conference, Kunming, China 2007. |
28. | Carbonate reservoir evolution of South Makassar basin and hydrocarbon prospectivity. | Poster presentation, AAPG annual meeting 2007, Athens, Greec. |
29. | Shalow zone reservoir characterization at Handil Field Kutai basin East Kalimantan. | Proceeding of the Annual convention Indonesian Petroleum Association 2007, Jakarta. |
30. | Contribution of Paleogene and Neogene Sediments to the Petroleum System in the Banyumas Sub-basin, Southern Central Java, Indonesia. | Oral Presentation, AAPG annual meeting 2008, Cape Town South Africa. |
31. | Petroleum system of Thetys Realm in Eastern Indonesian Region. | Oral Presentation, Thethys realm conference 2009, Egypt. |
Penulisan Buku
Hibah Penelitian
Kontrak Proyek
- Dardji Noeradi, (2005) Petroleum system of Simenggaris Block, JOB Pertamina-Medco Simenggaris
- Dardji Noeradi, (2005) proyek: Batang Field Sequence Stratigraphy,Chevron-CPI
- Dardji Noeradi, Dr. Ir. Batang Field Fault Seal Validation. PT CALTEX PACIFIC INDONESIA. 1999.
- Dardji Noeradi, Dr. Ir. Structural Analysis of Lancang Area. Conoco Phillips Ltd. 1999.
- Dardji Noeradi, Dr. Ir. Baturaja Carbonate Study Services (RAMBA). Conoco Phillips Ltd. 2004.
Kerjasama / Kolaborasi Ilmiah
Kegiatan Lain
Teaching at Institut Technologi Bandung (ITB)
1. Petroleum Geology since 1995
2. Subsurface Geology since 1995
3. Petroleum system since 2006
4. Basin Analysis since 2008
5. Well Log analysis since 2008
6. Geological Syntesis 2003-2007
7. Development geology, since 2009
- Geological modelling of Guruh-East mandala area, South Sumatra, Talisman Oil-LAPI ITB
- Geological modelling of SE Waleo Field, Bintuni Basin West Papua, Petrochina- LAPI ITB
- Geological modelling of Udang Field, West Natuna, PT PAN oil-LAPI ITB
- Preliminary study of CBM in South and Central Sumatra Basin, BP Indonesia-LAPI ITB
- Due diligence of Sukaraja oilfield South Sumatra, Providence oil-ITB
- Gas reserve certification of Wortel Field Madura East Java, Santos-LAPI ITB
- Biostratigraphy and Sequence stratratigraphy study of Betara, Gemah, Jabung Blocks.Petrochina-LAPI ITB
- NW Java Block evaluation for new biding, Belglory-Providence-LAPI ITB
- Deep target hydrocarbon propspectivity of Rantau Block North Sumatra Basin, Pertamina-LAPI ITB
- Due diligence of Jatirarangon gas Field West Java, Providence-Oil and gas
- Kangean Block Regional Petroleum system analysis, FT UGM-Kangean Inc.
- Geological analysis for step out well proposal, Pewrtamina Limau
- Hydrocarbon Reevaluation of KE-11 block Kodeco-LAPI-ITB
- Feasibility study for South Sembakung Field, Medco Energy-LAPI ITB
- Pre Kais prospectivity in the Salawati Basin, Pertamina-lAPI-ITB
- North Sumbawa Block hydrocarbon Evaluation Husky Oil-LAPI ITB
- Eastern Java Petroleum system analysis, BP migas-ITB
- South and North Makassar Petroleum system analysis, BP migas-ITB
- Hydrocarbon prospectivity of South Makassar block , Petronas Carigali Indonesia-PGSC
- Hydrocarbon prospectivity of BatanghariBlock, Petronas Carigali Indonesia-PGSC
- Batang Field Squence Stratigrafphy study, Chevron Indonesia-LPPM-ITB
- Hydrocarbon exploration and Field development of Ogan Komering Block South Sumatra Indonesi, Talisman PSC-PGSC
- Reservoir Study and Field Development of Air Hitam Field, South Sumatra Indonesia, Goldenspike PSC-LPPM-ITB
- Hydrocarbom prospectivity of North Kangean Block, East- Java Indonesia, Petrojava PSC-LAPI-ITB.
- Mudi Field Development, East Java Indonesia, Petrochine PSC-LPPM ITB.
- Sukowati Field Development, East Java Indonesia, Petrochina-LPPM ITB
- Sedimentology and fault Seal analysis of Melandong Karangbaru area west java, Petrmina DOC Java-LPPM ITB.
- Petroleum system and basin analysis of Southern east java and souther west java, BP migas-LPPM ITB.
- G & G Reservoir study of Pase Field North Sumatra Basin, LPPM ITB- Exxon Mobil Indonesia
- G & G Reservoir study of Wunut Field, East Java Basin, LPPM ITB-Lapindo Brantas PSC.
- G & G study for POD of Suban Field South Sumatra Basin LPPM ITB-Pertamina.
- Reservoir study of Mutiara Field, Kutai Basin, East Kalimantan, LPPM ITB-Vico Indonesia.
- G & G study of Mudi Field East java Basin LPPM ITB-JOB Petrochina-Pertamina and Ramba Rawa Carbonate study South Sumatra Basin, LPPM ITB-Conoco Phillips Indonesia.
- Reserve reevaluation of Arun Field, North Sumatra basin, LPPM ITB- Exxon Mobil Indonesia.
- Petroleum system of Tonga blockCentral Sumatra Basin PGSC-Riau Oil.
- G & G study of Piano Field South Sumatra Basin, LPPM ITB-Petrochina.
- Petroleum system of Simenggaris block Tarakan Basin Basin UJK FIKTM-JOB Simenggaris Pertamina Medco Energy.
- Sequence stratigraphy framework of Simenggaris Block Tarakan Basin UJK FIKTM-JOB Simenggaris Pertamina Medco Energy.
- Surface geology study for Petroleum system analysis of Bengara Block, Tarakan Basin, East Kalimantan, Dept Of Geology ITB- Medco Energy PSC.
- Reservoir study of Bangkudulis Field Tarakan Basin, LPPM ITB TAC bangkudulis.
- Reservoir study and reserve calculation of North Sumpal Field, South Sumatra Basin, LPPM ITB -JOB North Sumpal, Conoco Phillips.
- Reservoir study of Pase Field North Sumatra Basin, LPPM ITB- Exxon Mobil Indonesia
- G & G Study of Zamrud and Pedada Field, CPP Block, Central Sumatra, BOP CPP – LPPM ITB
- Reservoir study of Ketapang Field and upside potential reserve study, LPPM ITB-CONOCO Phillips-Indonesia.
- Petroleum system study of Gebang Block North Sumatra Basin, LPPM ITB -JOB Costa
- Reserve reevaluation of Donggi Block, Tomori basin Sulawesi, LPPM ITB-Pertamina
- G & G Study of Salib Prospect, South Sumatra Basin, UJK FIKTM – EXSPAN
- Geological Review for POD of Oseil Field, Seram PSC, LPPM ITB – KUFPEC Indonesia
- Hydrocarbon Potential Studies of Indonesian Basins, PERTAMINA – FIKTM ITB
- G&G Study of Melandong, Cipunegara Low, West Java, LAPI ITB – PERTAMINA
- Oyong Field Reserve Certification, UJK FIKTM ITB – SANTOS Indonesia
- Maleo FieldGas Reserve Certification, UJK FIKTM ITB – SANTOS Indonesia
- KE-23B Oil Reserve Certification, LPPM ITB – KODECO Oil Indonesia
- G & G Study of Tiaka Oil Field, Tomori Block Sulawesi, LAPI ITB – EXSPAN
- G & G Study of Madura Island, North East Java Basin, LAPI ITB – EXSPAN
- Minas 3D seismicMulti atribute study LAPI ITB-PT. PT.CPI
- IndonesiaBasin, New hydrocarbonPlay,FIKTM ITB-PERTAMINA
- Review of Tiaka Field LAPI-ITB–JOB Pertamina Expans.
- Tangguh Field POD, FIKTM ITB-BP Indonesia.
- Review of Senoro Oil FieldFIKTM ITB-JOB Pertamina Expans.
- POD of Meruap Field South Sumatra FIKTM-ITB, BP Meruap Oil.
- Geology, Geophysiscs and Reservoirstudy of Jatibarang, Cemara Timur and Pasir CatangOil field, West Java, LP-ITB Pertamina.
- AnoaField Structural Study, Natuna Barat, Premier Oil-LPM ITB
- Identification and Inventarisation of Natural resources in West Java Area, Dinas Pertambangan dan Energi Jawa Barat-LPM ITB
- Kepodang Gas Reserveand Deliverabelity Study, BP Indonesia-LAPI ITB
- Review on Plan of Development, Banyuurip Field, Mobil Cepu Limited-LPM ITB
- Tunu Pressure Study, Total Finaelf Indonesie – Institute of research ITB, Bandung
- Research Team forDevelovment of Indonesian Natural Gas Reserve, Pertamina-LPM ITB, Bandung
- An Integrated Seismic Inversion Study of the Rangau Field,CPI – Institute of research ITB.
- Structural Analysis of Lancang Area, Conoco Indonesia-LPM-ITB
- Combine andRefineStructural Model of Lancang Area, Conoco Indonesia-LPM-ITB
- Minas Core Preservation,CPI – Institute of research ITB.
- Research and Analysis of Oil and Gas Reserve in Seribu Islands, Pemda DKI-LPM-ITB
- Sequence Stratigraphic study of Minas Oil Field , Central Sumatra for Steam and Water Floodprogram, Institute of reseaerc ITB, PT.Caltex Pacific Indonesia.
- Seismic Inversion Study of Rangau Field, Central Sumatra,Institute of research ITB, PT.Caltex Pacific Indonesia.
- Batang Field, Fault Seal Study, Central Sumatra, LPM- ITB, PT.Caltex Pacific Indonesia.
- Geological review of Jabung Block, for Gas Deliverability Study, Santa Fe Energy Resources Ltd -Institute of research ITB.
- Geological review forPOD of Oseil Oil Field Seram, KUPFEC-Institute of research ITB
- Geologicalmodelling for Reservoir Simulation Study of Batumandi, North Sumatera, PT.Putra Batumandi – LPM ITB.
- Geologicalmodelling for Reservoir Simulation Study ofKopar field, Central Sumatera, CPI – Institute of research ITB.
- Geologicalreview for Reservoir Simulation Study of Sumpal Gas field in South Sumatera, GulfResources – Institute of research ITB.
- Production map evaluation of Talang Jimar, Gunung Kemala, Beringin D and WestPrabumulih, Institute of research ITB-Pertamina EP Prabumulih.
- Reservoir simulation study of KE-2 Field North Madura, Kodeco energy, co., Ltd-Institute of research ITB-Pertamina.
- Geology and basin development of Sibolga PSC, PT Caltex Pacific Indonesia-Department of Geology ITB.
- Reevaluation of Wiriagar andVorwata structure, Wiriagar block, Irian Jaya, ARCO- Institute of research ITB-Pertamina BKKA(integrated study of 3D seismic and well data).
- Reevaluationof Kepodang prospect, Muriah block, East, JavaShell Co- Institute of research ITB Pertamina BKKA (Integrated study of 2Dhires and well data).
- Geologic Reservoir modelling of Jatibarang Fractured reservoir, LPM-ITB, Pertamina EP Cirebon
- Hydrocarbon prospect evaluation of SNSB (South Natuna Sea Block), LPM-ITB, CONOCO Indonesia (Integrated study of 2D seismicand well data).
- Shale compaction study ofWerstern Indonesian Tertiary basins, ITB-Pertamina Research Grant
- Abondonment pressure study of East Musi Oil Field, South Sumatra,LP-ITB-Pertamina.
- Stratigraphy of Mutiara-Samboja Oil Fields, S1 Student thesis Sponsored by VICO Indonesia.
- Structural and sedimentary analysisof Ombilin basin, West Sumatra, sponsored by PT CaltexIndonesia.
- General exploration of coals deposits of Rantau-Barabai areas SouthKalimantan, PT Antang GunungMeratus.
- Preleminary coal investigation for underground mining at Kintap-Satuiareas,SouthKalimantan, PT Prima Kintap Perkasa.
- Regional Cross section of Ombilin Basin, West Sumatra, ITB master studentRegional field geology,sponsored byPT CALTEX Indonesia.
- Geological mapping of Saleman-Sawai areas North-Ceram Island, S1ITB studentfield work, sponsoredby Mobil oil Ind.
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