Lihat Publikasi di Scopus // Google Scholar // Science and Technology Index (SINTA)
Pendidikan : S.T. (ITB, 2004); M.Eng. (Kumamoto University, 2007); Dr.Eng. (Kumamoto University, 2010)
Homepage : www.asepsaepuloh.com
Publikasi :
- Beta Kurniawahidayati , Indra Agoes Nugroho , Reza Syahputra Mulyana , Asep Saepuloh, Preliminary study of near surface detections at geothermal field using optic and Sar imageries.
- Indra Agoes Nugroho , Beta Kurniawahidayati , Reza Syahputra Mulyana , Asep Saepuloh, Preliminary determination of geothermal working area based on Thermal Infrared and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) remote sensing.
- Yasser Maghsoudi , Freek van der Meer , Christoph Hecker , Daniele Perissin , Asep Saepuloh, Using PS-InSar to detect surface deformation in geothermal areas of West Java in Indonesia.
- Asep Saepuloh , Suryantini , Christoph Hecker , Robert Hewson, Simulating Ground Thermal Anomaly under Conditions of Dense Vegetatioan Based On Lab and Field Measurements to Support Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing Techniques,
- Christoph Hecker , Robert Hewson , Agung Setianto , Asep Saepuloh , Freek D. Van der Meer, Multi-source remote sensing data analysis for geothermal targeting on Flores island,
- Asep Saepuloh , Haeruddin , Mohamad Nur Heriawan , Taiki Kubo , Katsuaki Koike , Dwiyogarami Malik, Application of lineament density extracted from dual orbit of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images to detecting fluids paths in the wayang windu geothermal field (West Java, Indonesia).
- Asep Saepuloh , Raditya Andrean Saputra , dan Prihadi Sumintadireja, Volcanic Geology Digital Mapping of Ngebel Area, Madiun based on Reflectance and Rock Magnetic Susceptibility Data.
- Tahjudil Witra , Asep Saepuloh, Agung Budi Harto, Ketut Wikantika. Analyzing Surface Roughness Models Derived By SAR And DEM Data At Geothermal Fields.
- Asep Saepuloh, DR. ENG.M. Nur Heriawan, ST., MT., Ph.D, Arif Susanto, S.T., M.T.,Rian Nurtyawan, S.T., M.T., Dinul Akbari, S.SI, M.T, Spastiotemporal Analysis Based On SAR Satellite And Field Data Related To Declining Of Geothermal Production In West Java, Indonesia.
Hits: 1409